Elijah Challenge Events with Vietnamese Churches around the World
Evangelicals and charismatics come together in unity and reap unprecedented harvest of souls at Crusade
The Vietnamese Community Church, an evangelical Southern Baptist Church in San Jose, hosted Brother William earlier this month for a Seminar and Crusade. The young and committed leaders of this church have been called by the Lord to a ministry of reconciliation. Firstly, they seek reconciliation between churches, especially between conservative evangelical and charismatic churches. Secondly, these leaders are called to fulfill the Great Commission for the Vietnamese people in San Jose. At this moment only one half of one percent of the 200,000 Vietnamese in the Bay Area are born-again believers. These young leaders are convinced that without unity in the body of Christ, the Great Commission cannot be fulfilled.
After extensive prayer and fasting and organizing for the event, they held the Training Seminar with Brother William for three evenings. In attendance were evangelical leaders and believers along with a larger number of charismatic believers. After the training, they held the evangelistic Crusade in a local high school auditorium where Brother William preached that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven. In attendance were a good number of non-believers who were drawn to the meeting by the hope of healing for their physical infirmities. After the preaching Brother William assembled the trained believers at the front to pray and ask the Lord confirm the gospel by healing the sick. After prayer, William led the trained believers to exercise their authority over the diseases and demons in the name of Christ by rebuking them with one voice and commanding the infirmities to be healed.
Many were healed at that time. They stood up and came streaming to the front to testify about what the Lord had done. Among them was an elderly man who could hear clearly after suffering from deafness in one ear for thirty years. Not all of them could testify since there were so many who had been healed.
People crowd the front and wait their turn to testify about their healing
Man deaf in one ear for thirty years can hear clearly through the ear
Lump on woman’s head vanishes in Jesus’ name
When I gave the altar call, over thirty-five souls came forward. (The usual result for an evangelistic meeting for the Vietnamese is two or three people receiving Christ.)
Souls crowd the front to follow Jesus at the altar call
The ministry of healing by the trained believers continued on long after the end of the meeting and Brother William had left. A young man who had never walked since birth stood up from his wheelchair and ran for the first time in his life!
Photo of young man from newspaper clipping
The week following the Crusade, we received some feedback from the leaders…
Dear Brother William,
I thank the Lord for putting us together to serve Him with the crusade in San Jose, June 2005. The whole event was a wonderful experience with abundant of fruits and unity between churches. I think that the nine hours, spread out to 3 days, training and the crusade meeting were well designed. They were the main factors for all the church leaders and members to experience God’s power and grace to put aside all the human differences and willing to work together to bring the lost and glory back to God. With the unity, the result of the crusade was clearly blessed and wonderful. Praise the Lord.
Brother, I want to thank you so much for being a spiritual balance and a faithful servant to reach out to the lost and enhance the church unity.
I am looking forward to serve the Lord with you in the years to come. May the Lord bless you, your family and ministry abundantly for His kingdom.
Love In Christ,
Pastor Vuong Tran, Vietnamese Community Church
Dear Team,
On behalf of the organizing committee for the June 4 healing evangelistic event, I would like to express my deepest thanks to everyone who participated to make the program a successful, God-glorifying event. Praise the Lord. May all the glory belong to Him.
With all your prayers and support and with the sheer force of the united voice of God’s servants, especially during the mass healing, Satan’s dominion has been broken, conquered, and many have been healed and freely responded to Christ.
We don’t yet have an official account of the number of new believers nor the detailed account of all the testimonies from the people who were healed, but we believe the Lord has been pleased by the unity of His servants from across denominations and cultures and blessed us so much by showing many miracles and touching many hearts. We believe that the event has planted great seed in the community and the good news of the power of Jesus’ name will be spread among the non-believers…
Dear Brother William,
Thank you again for your leadership in equipping our team with the Elijah model. I believe the past crusade in San Jose has provided the right momentum for the reconcilliation movement among the Vietnamese Christian community. There are no doubt lots of obstacles remaining on the path of unity among evangelical and charismatic believers, but the seed of reconciliation has been planted among our leaders since the crusade. During the event our own team has witnessed the fruits of unity in the body of Christ, the essential condition for the corporate anointing as described in Psalm 133:1,2. Through the Holy Spirit anointing, the enemy’s yoke has been broken, and great signs and wonders from the Lord poured out. Praise the Lord. We are now praying for the equipping of our team to further fullfill Christ’s Great Commission among the Vietnamese community. We have learned from the event that, like any crusade, spiritual warfare and team work are very crucial for its success.
In His service,
Dr. An-Dien Nguyen
Senior Physicist, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Pastor William,
In the past few days, I personally experienced unity in the body of Christ, the outpouring of God’s power, wonders and miracles. Thanks be to our Lord Jesus Christ. Also, thank you so much for your servant heart. I believed that the Lord is using you to pull all of us together. I pray that the Lord will keep you from any harm and protect you from any wicked way, and may you always abide in His love.
In the coming days, let us continue to press forward together with Christ who is our commander-in-chief and let the enemy stumble and die.
Humbly yours,
Pastor Thinh Tran, Vietnamese Community Church
I would like to extend my congratulations too all who have put in so much efforts over the past months for this awesome and wonderful event. The Spirit of the Lord moved mightily amongst the Vietnamese community with such strength but at the same time with tenderness and love. I’ve heard of the signs, wonders and miracles that have taken place at the trainings and outreach; beyond this, I strongly feel that the greatest movement of the Holy Spirit is beginning to happen within the leadership of the churches.
I believe I’m not alone in recognizing that the Lord is galvanizing the churches in unity for the impending outpouring of His power over the churches of such magnitude that we have yet to see. In the coming days, I pray that the Lord will keep the momentum, zeal, passion and unity for the work of God within your hearts knowing that the enemy will try to steal, kill and destroy that which the Lord has entrusted to us. Let us pray that we will continue to press toward the goal that is ahead for our victory is guaranteed in Christ Jesus!
Again, I’m humbled by your passions and commitment to the work of the Lord. May the Lord God Almighty rule your hearts with peace and love forever.
May the holy fire to burn fervently in you for the cause of Christ.
Paul Pham
The Ministry of Healing Continues
From Dr. An Dien Nguyen
June 19, 2005
” One thing I’d like to share with you is that our team at the Vietnamese Community Church has continued the authority-based healing ministry at our church after you left. Last Friday during our regular prayer and Bible study service, three people from the community hearing about the healing service visited us, one blind due to glaucoma, one having a severe hearing problem, and another hearing voices in his head. We practiced what you taught us during the training, and combined the corporate mass healing and individual healing into one approach, in which everyone in the congregation united with one voice, following the leader’s command, who laid hands on and ministered healing to one individual at a time. The Lord listened to our prayer and healed two individuals out of three. The lady with a severe hearing problem could hear very well, and the one hearing voices did not hear any more voices. The blind person felt better on his eye, but his eye sight did not improve. We will continue to pray for him during the following weeks. Two people accepted Christ after the healing service, including the lady with hearing problem and the blind one. Praise the Lord for the miracle and outpouring mercy.”