Testimonies from Outreach to Muslims in Houston

We taught The Elijah Challenge in Houston (January 2017), and afterwards sent some of the newly-trained believers to an apartment complex where over 90% of the residents are Muslims. The following are two testimonies from that outreach conducted on Sunday afternoon, January 29. 

“We met at approximately 11:00 AM with some other trained believers where we decided to split up and go door-to-door. Prior to this we had spoken to Kenneth [not his real name], who could not attend but left great instructions.

As with the other groups we did run into some rejection, but with the people we did minister to the outcomes were awesome. One of the more noticeable was a young woman who had a sick parent residing in Pakistan. The others had made contact but moved to the apartment next door. When I saw her come back to the door, I greeted her (As-salāmu alaykum)  and asked if she needed prayer. She indicated that she had a sick mother and we began to pray for her mother. As she watched on Face-Time using an IPad, her mot her began to cry because the pain in her body was leaving and she exclaimed that she felt the presence of God (Allah) entering into her body. The lady at the door was very joyous and began to weep, through her tears she thanked us, and we prayed over the entire family before we moved on. (Kenneth will follow up on this woman.)

In retrospect, the street ministry is a great way to demonstrate the power of God. I do believe that your teaching is helping all of us move into uncharted waters that will yield much good fruit. Thank you so much for your teaching and encouragement.”

The second testimony from that Sunday afternoon:

“There were about 14 or so of us gathered at Kenneth’s apartment. We prayed and were led in cultural ways before heading out two by two. 

Nathan and I paired up and Kenneth took us to a specific area of his complex. As we knocked on doors we were pleasantly received by each one that opened their doors. Most were very hospitable. Some did not answer their door, and others were eating or other business. 

Four highlights:

  1. The first person that needed healing was a “huge mountain.” This family was from Africa (Congo). A young man with shivered legs and mentally handicapped since he was 15. We commanded healing over him a few times. We asked his brother to translate since he didn’t speak English or understand us. The brother told us that he said he felt much better and happier when we prayed over him. He was still in pain but lessened. We blessed their household in the name of Jesus (“Isa”). 
  1. The second lady that we had the opportunity to minister to was sick. She had fever and congestion. We asked if we could come in and pray over her and bless her household. She welcomed us into her home. I laid hands on her and Nathan also commended healing over her in Jesus’ name. After the first time, we asked how she felt. She took a deep breath and was amazed that she could breathe!  Her congestion had left. Then we rebuked the fever and it went down as well. We told her that it was in the name of Jesus and that he had healed her. Nathan presented the gospel. We then asked if she would like to accept Jesus as her Savior. She said YES!  We prayed together with her as she accepted Jesus!  Praise God for all of this!
  1. We were welcomed into another Muslim home with a lady having fever and sore throat. She said her husband was sick also, but not home. She said that another person came to her and told her about Jesus. We laid hands on her and commanded in Jesus name. After doing this three times, she did feel a little better.  I told her that she will be completely healed very soon. We prayed blessing over her and her household in the name of Jesus. 
  1. The last household we knocked on was the household with a man and his two daughters. He was so welcoming and we had a conversation about where he was from (Pakistan) and he has been here about one year. He said he is a cardiologist in Pakistan and hopes to one day practice here also. After asking if he needed healing for any health issues, he said no and he felt fine. After the Lord gave me a word, I asked how his knees were feeling. He admitted that his left knee hurt as well as lower back pain. Nathan immediately asked if we could pray over his back and we did. The first time, he said it felt 50% better. The second time it was gone!  Nathan told him the gospel message and we asked him if he would want to accept Jesus as his Savior. He said he believed in Jesus as well as Mohammad and that Christianity and Islam are all the same. He said that is what he teaches his daughters also. At this time (after a long discussion), we decided it was time to move on. We prayed blessing over his him and his household. 

    Brother Kenneth will be doing follow up. He did know a few of these people already. Seeds were planted and others watered, people were healed, and even one accepted Jesus!  

We see that when we preach the gospel as the disciples did in Acts, we can see a wonderful harvest of Muslims coming to Jesus Christ. We ought not to allow the hijacking of the ministry of miraculous healing by a certain stream in the Church in America to rob evangelicals of such a powerful and effective weapon for the gospel.

One missionary who trained with The Elijah Challenge made the following comment:

“I have had some really good opportunities to minister to Muslim families in Indonesia. Usually I am invited by underground or contextual workers to a Muslim family. I ask them to tell me [what they think] about Isa Almasih (Jesus Christ in the Arabic language). They always say that he is the healing prophet. One time a man said he thought Isa could heal the sick.

I always reply that I am a follower of Isa. To prove that He can forgive their sins, I ask if I can pray over them for healing. To date I have had 100% results in each home.

These are great strategies that really work. The challenge is to motivate North American pastors into following the Elijah Challenge Training. Almost every North American pastor I talk to seems to already have their “brand” of denominational teaching about healing. …Things done the same way always get the same results—whether good or bad.”

The Lord has called The Elijah Challenge in particular to train evangelicals to use this very scriptural means to win Muslims for the gospel during these last days in fulfillment of the Great Commission. While our government can take legal means to protect our nation from this invasion, the Church can use her powerful weapons from the Lord to win those who are already here. 

What are we waiting for?

Luke 10:9 Heal the sick who are there and tell them, “the kingdom of God has come near to you.”