Last Sunday morning on August 25 we held an Evangelistic Healing Rally for our host Covenant Vision Church in Singapore following three days of The Elijah Challenge Training. Among other testimonies of miraculous healing that morning, below is one from one of our newly-trained disciples who ministered to the infirm that morning after I preached the gospel from Mark 2. There Jesus proved that He had authority to forgive sins and grant eternal life by healing the paralytic.

“This is Leon. Our Lord Jesus led my wife and I to attend the heal the sick training (21-24 Aug 2924) at the Covenant Vision Church. By power and authority in the name of Jesus, with mountain-moving faith, it was the first time through applying the healing commands of Jesus that a person who had suffered a stroke on whom I laid hands upon was healed! He raised his hand, stood up and walked at a normal pace, went up to the stage, and was able to speak. God is good and loves him! The Lord is gracious.

I was given another opportunity for command healing in the name of Jesus. The man’s hearing was restored, and strength in his weak palm was restored and he was able to grip again.

Going forward, I pray that I can continue to share the gospel via healing the sick.”