“On 29th September 2015, I received a phone call from the hilly region of the Gajapati District. There was a six-month-old baby girl who was very sick.  Her family lived at the top of the mountain and in her serious condition they could not take her to the hospital. On the 29th the baby lost consciousness a total of nine times. The family lost hope as they saw her struggling between life and death. In desperation the father called me and with a sinking heart shared all these things with me. He asked me to pray for the baby. If she survived he would call me back the next day.

I was so sad to hear this. Greatly burdened, we ministered to her at a distance in the powerful name of Jesus Christ. Through the night we were wondering what was happening to the child.

Thanks to the Almighty and living God, the father called me back the following afternoon and shared that as soon we began ministering to the child the day before, the baby started drinking milk. She was normal and afterwards slept well. Praise the Lord for His great and mighty work.”

Reports from Subodh Kumar Jena

“A family surnamed Bhatra had only one son named Rocky, who was 10 years old. Two months earlier he had gastritis as well as some other medical problem. His family took him to several places for treatment. But gradually his body began to weaken. When his condition did not improve, the family took Rocky to Delhi our capital city to see a well-known medical doctor. After the treatment they returned to Bhawanipatna in our home state of Orissa, but after a few days the pain returned.

So last week the family brought Rocky to our home and we ministered to him in the name of Jesus Christ. The Lord touched him powerfully, and Rocky is now doing fine. For the last week he has had no more problem and no more pain.”

-Subodh Kumar Jena
Elijah Challenge India Coordinator