Feeding Events India
………Come see what God can do for you. April, 2016 Report
Persecution of Believers In India…Unclean spirits have not stopped waging war against God’s family.
Two weeks ago radial fundamentalists in India were sent to stop an Easter celebration in Haridwar.
Sometimes the danger is very real, so rather than risk physical harm to believers, as well as to the non-believers, pastors will cancel the gospel events.
Just last week a Catholic church in Agra (NE India) was vandalized and this came just three months after a Christian woman was badly assaulted. Also in Andhra Pradesh (SE India) one of our churches was destroyed, bibles and materials burned and the pastor had to flee to avoid being beaten by angry fundamentalists.
From God’s perspective there are only two kinds of people in this world — those who believe in and follow Jesus and those who do not. From the beginning satan has been at war against those who profess faith in
God. Just as God’s people in the Old Testament battled for their existence, so it is today for Christians in many countries. Even here in the US we live in a constant state of spiritual warfare against satan’s unclean spirits. They are sent to oppose every good work God wants to do through our lives. If we do not sense resistance from the enemy that means we are not a threat to him.
The bible tells us our war is not against people, but rather against spiritual forces of evil (Eph 6). However there are billions of people who do not believe in the Lord God Jehovah, his Son Jesus Christ or God’s word. By far the majority of Hindus are friendly, peace loving and very spiritual and thus open to listening to the gospel. Unfortunately, they can also be easily agitated by their local priests. After hundreds of generations of Hinduism they have little resistance to the demonic oppression and/or demon possession that has been at work within their families.
While we engage in spiritual warfare, their leaders sometimes send them to kill, steal from and destroy Christians. Jesus warned us about this in John 10: 10 when he said, “The devil comes to steal, kill and destroy.” It does not have to be Boko Haram or ISIS, that satan sends against Christians, it can be anyone. Militant, gospel resistant factions in India have been killing believers for a long time.
The Apostle Thomas was sent by God to India with the gospel of Christ. He brought the truth about the creator and Jesus, his only Son. According to church tradition, the Holy Spirit confirmed the message he preached with many sign and wonders, proving that Jesus was God’s Son and the only way to heaven. Some believed and a foothold was established, but most did not believe and Thomas was martyred in approximately 52 A.D.
In the biblical record Adam and Eve were deceived by Lucifer who manifested as a serpent. So complete is satan’s deception in India that the cobra snake (a serpent) is worshiped as a god, as are monkeys, rats and many other animals. They worship and serve things created by the creator rather than worshiping the creator. This leads to very serious and long term consequences. (Rm 1: 25)
Like the apostle Thomas, Feeding Events India takes a very clear message about the Creator God and his Son to gospel resistant Indian villages where they still worship things he created. Once they hear about the true Creator God and his plan to provide eternal life through Jesus, they eagerly believe and accept Jesus as their only Lord and Savior. Our missionary pastors pray for the people in Jesus name and great joy comes over young and old as they see their sick and the demon possessed family members healed and set free from satan’s grip. For the first time in their lives they experience the love and mercy of the God they knew nothing about.
Believers Fasting and Praying Simon Haq, our evangelist and coordinator, told me a wave of prayer and fasting has broken out among our churches. This is not something we planned, it is spontaneous and led by the Holy Spirit. There is a sense that God is getting ready to do something special.
Our Missionary Pastor gives alter call in typical village Young and old raising hands indicating their desire to accept Jesus as God Son, the only one who can forgive their sin and give them eternal life in heaven.
We are very thankful to God for allowing us the opportunity to see hundreds of thousands of folks like these turn from demonic idol worship and pray to receive Jesus and Lord and Savior.
Why do we train and send out missionary pastors and do evangelistic gospel events? Romans 10: 9-15 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. As Scripture says, “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.” For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”
You can be a part of reaching the lost in India by sending donations to Feeding Events India. Please pray about joining us. Our address is 6763 S. Hwy 6 #1600, Houston, Texas 77083. Donations are fully tax deductible and 100% goes directly to India for Evangelistic Feeding Events, Pastor Training and church planting.
May the Lord bless you this day,
Bill and Sammye Willis