Reports from Kurt & Mary Simms
April 2014
We had one free day to rest at a missionaries home where we stayed for 3 nights. This was a family of 6 consisting of 2 boys and 2 girls from North Carolina. They felt the call of the Lord to sell their business and everything they owned and have been serving the Lord in Sapouy, Burkina Faso for four years now. Leon the husband asked me if I would like to go along with him to repair a water well in a nearby village and I accepted.
When we arrived at the well several young children greeted us and we began tearing down the well with the help of 2 young men. We hoisted one joint of 1 1/4 ” rigid threaded pipe up at a time approximately 10′ long per joint. After 9 joints of pipe we made it to the pump and found that a part had come loose so we tightened it and began reassembling the pipe and the well head. Leon asked me if I wanted the honor of pumping the well until water flowed out so I did. Everyone was standing around waiting with their buckets and jugs and were so excited to have clean water again. Leon prayed and gave the Lord Jesus thanks for the well and enabling us to fix it in their Mooré native tongue. The Elder or Chief of the village came and talked with us and Leon said if I would like to say anything he would interpret.
I asked the Chief if he knew Jesus and he said he was Catholic. I asked him if he were to die today if he knew where he would spend eternity and he said he didn’t know. I told him he could be sure and know where he was headed. I told him about our righteous God and of His righteous standard the 10 commandments leaving him helpless before a perfect and just God. I showed him that we all have failed the test and that God is rich in mercy through the atoning blood of His Son Jesus Christ that was crucified, buried, and is risen from the dead and that He commands us to repent and trust in Him alone for our salvation. He said that he wanted to follow Jesus and that he had seen the evidence of the God I was telling him about. He said he had been listening a little at a time each time Leon and his family would come and talk about Jesus and that he wanted to start coming to their fellowship.
After that I asked him if there were any sick people among them and they called for 2 girls one had severe stomach pains and the other had pain throughout her head. I laid hands on one at a time and rebuked the pain in both of them and they were healed completely. I then turned to the crowd and spoke to them saying The Kingdom of God is among you now. Jesus has given you great favor today giving you cool water to drink and healing your sicknesses. He now offers you living water so that you may never thirst. I compelled them to repent of their sins, to turn from all their idols and turn to the one and true God The Lord Jesus Christ. I compelled them to come to Leon’s fellowship so they could learn more about Jesus.
When Leon and I left the house that morning I had no idea what would happen that day just like everyday, but I pray daily Lord use me for your glory. I have only been on one church led mission trip since I became born again and have been discouraged because so many mission trips have become humanitarian instead of preaching The Gospel. I have even been told by believers that we need to earn our right to preach by doing acts of kindness or service.
I do believe these things are fruits of a Christian’s life according to Galatians 5:22-23, but should not be the central focus of our ministry. Jesus and the Apostles were not running a food program, building homes, or selling furniture. They were healing the sick, casting out demons, preaching the Kingdom of God and along the way Jesus did feed the multitudes, Paul made tents to provide so he wouldn’t be a burden to the Churches. To sum it up the Lord let me experience this possibly to show me the value in using are finances and talents making opportunities for The Kingdom Of God.”