February 2025
Above is our Evangelistic Healing event in Saigon. First the gospel of our Messiah Jesus was proclaimed from Mark 2:1-12. After that the newly-trained Vietnamese disciples and servants of God healed the sick in the wondrous name of Jesus as irrefutable evidence of the truth of the gospel—that is, Jesus has authority to forgive sins and thus to grant eternal life in heaven. Many were miraculously healed and testified from the stage. Each testimony of miraculous healing was proof that Jesus has authority to forgive our sins.


Above is the video of the nearly 3-hour rally. The preaching of the gospel commenced at around 44:27 of the video. The testimonies of the people who were miraculously healed by the newly-trained Vietnamese disciples begins at 1:58:20 of the video. At the end of the video people are accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.




