Reported by Lucy
The Evangelistic Healing Service at the GBI Bethlehem Cengkareng Church was very glorious. Two thousand people attended, mostly believers. The Lord was exalted. I preached from John 14:1-13. Afterwards the trained believers from Roberts Liardon’s Bible School and some believers from the Bethlehem Church and I ministered mass healing to the people. There were four testimonies of healings; one man was healed from backpain from which he suffered for 5 years.
After the mass healing we did one-on-one laying on of hands for healing. Then things started happening. Many were healed. An elderly lady in a wheelchair got up and walked. A child who could not walk because of crossed and weak legs walked for the first time. A deaf and dumb Musl__m woman was able to hear from one ear and spoke. The students who ministered were awestruck but not surprised because mountain-moving faith is being sure that what one commands shall come to pass. Weakness in two people due to heart and kidney problems disappeared.Their complete healing still has to be confirmed by doctors. Pain, both severe and minor, vanished. Many came up to testify. After all that I gave an altar call and five people came forward to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.
The trained young people and host Kim Goodwin of the Spirit Life Bible School are so excited. Short-term missionary Jeff from the United States was so enthused and so serious about the teaching that he wants now to teach The End Time Model of Evangelism full-time and to apply it. He wants to come to Houston in February 2008 for the Elijah Challenge Advanced Seminar. The Associate Pastor from the GBI Church who attended for three days with great enthusiasm will also teach his church. They have 400 cell groups.