Ricardo Bueno é instrutor do Desafio de Elias no Brasil

2 de agosto de 2012

Aqui está o relatório do Ricardo sobre sua primeira oportunidade de ensinar O Desafio de Elias:

“A igreja é a Igreja Metodista Livre de Diadema, que vem passando por tempos difíceis. Eles ficaram felizes em ouvir o ensinamento e o pastor deu muito apoio, realmente gostando do que foi dito. Havia cerca de 20 pessoas. Como a Palavra de Deus diz: “O senhor respondeu: ‘Muito bem, servo bom e fiel! Você foi fiel no pouco; eu o porei sobre o muito. Venha e participe da alegria do seu senhor! ‘(Mateus 25:23)

Durante a demonstração, nós ministramos aos problemas cardíacos primeiro. Havia apenas uma senhora idosa que afirmava se cansar facilmente. Na verdade, ela tinha muitas consequências de um derrame. De qualquer forma, nós ministramos a ela e a fizemos passear e ela disse que estava muito melhor e não se sentia cansada.

Então pedi as pessoas com algum tipo de dor que se apresentassem. Havia uma senhora que não conseguia levantar o braço por causa de uma forte dor no ombro e depois conseguiu levantá-lo. Havia também um menininho que normalmente ficava ofegante e dolorido depois de correr, e os discípulos ministraram a ele, e eu o fiz correr um pouco e ele estava bem. E por último, mas não menos importante, havia uma senhora com artrite e ela tinha joelhos muito doloridos. Ela foi ministrada e disse que a dor quase desaparecera por completo e que seus joelhos estavam muito gelados. Mais tarde, duas senhoras continuaram a ministrar a ela.
Foi uma experiência muito boa e vou voltar lá domingo à noite. ”

Culto de Adoração no domingo

“Nós tivemos um tempo excelente na Igreja Metodista Livre de Diadema. Havia cerca de 50 pessoas ou mais. Na verdade, não pude fazer o sermão evangelístico, pois eles não tinham ido visitar de porta em porta. Portanto, não houve visitantes que haviam ido pela primeira vez. Mas então falei sobre fé, Pedro afundando e assim por diante. Foi muito frutífero. O pastor está lá há três meses e a igreja estava muito ferida. Agora ele está buscando reergue-los. Ele disse que ficou muito encorajado a colocar tudo em prática.

Algumas pessoas foram para a frente e foram curadas. Havia um homem que sofria de hérnia de disco e não conseguia se mover livremente. Ele foi imediatamente curado e ficou muito feliz, pois não havia mais dor. Havia uma senhora que tinha passado por 4 cirurgias devido a dificuldades com a bexiga que não retinha urina. Ela disse que estava prestes a ter mais uma cirurgia, mas ela acredita que havia sido curada. Havia outra senhora que sofrera um acidente há alguns anos e tinha muitas placas de metal presas aos ossos, de modo que não podia andar livremente. Depois de ter sido ministrada, uma irmã segurou a mão dela e a levou para passear enquanto continuávamos ministrando. Ela disse que se sentia muito melhor e mais forte e agora também era capaz de andar melhor do que antes. A última senhora afirmou se sentir muito melhor com relação a hérnia de disco.


Here is Ricardo’s report on his first opportunity to teach The Elijah Challenge:

“The church is Igreja Metodista Livre de Diadema, which has been going through some hard times. They were happy to hear the teaching and the pastor gave a lot of support, really enjoying what was said. There were about 20 people. As the Word of God says “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’ (Matthew 25:23)


During the demonstration, we ministered to heart conditions first. There was only an elderly lady who claimed to get tired easily. Actually she had lots of consequences of a stroke. Anyway, we ministered to her and had her walk around and she said she was much better and not tired.

Then I asked people with any kinds of pain to come forward. There was a lady who could not lift her arm because of a strong pain in her shoulder and afterwards she was able to lift it. There was also a little boy who would usually get breathless and painful after running, and the disciples ministered to him, and I had him run a bit and he was fine. And the last, but not least, there was a lady with arthritis and she had very painful knees. She was ministered to and said the pain had almost completely gone and that her knees were very cold. Later on, two ladies kept ministering to her.

It was a very good experience and I am going back there on Sunday evening.”



Sunday Worship Service



“We had a great time at Igreja Metodista Livre de Diadema. There were around 50 people or so. Actually I was not able to do the Evangelistic sermon since they had not gone door to door. So there were no first time visitors. But I went through the matter of faith, Peter sinking and so on. It was very fruitful. This pastor has been there for three months now, and the church was very wounded. Now he has been trying to raise them up. He said he was very encouraged to put everything into practice.
Some people went to the front and were healed. There was a man who had been suffering from herniated disc and could not move freely. He was immediately healed and very happy since there was no more pain. There was a lady who had undergone 4 surgeries due to difficulties with her bladder which would not hold urine. She said she was about to have one more surgery, but she believes she has been healed. There was another lady who had had an accident a couple of years ago and had a lot of metal plates attached to her bones, so she could not walk freely. After been ministered to, I had a sister hold her hand and take her for a walk as we kept ministering. She said she felt much better and stronger and also was now able to walk better than before. The last lady claimed to feel much better from the herniated disc, but not completely healed, but that was the third time already and I was running out of time.


On Wednesday, we had ministered to a lady with breast cancer. Immediately she said the growth has shrunk a little bit. Later this week, she said she was feeling she had been healed and was very excited about it. She is going to get some check-up exams, but she believes she is completely healed.”


Ricardo, friend Marcos, and Pastor