By an Elijah Challenge Coordinator
February 2014
Our host in the capital city of this country was perhaps the largest congregation in the nation. I was given the opportunity to train the leaders—especially to reach out to the people of the majority religion there. Some leaders in this country have been imprisoned or exiled abroad. Recently, hundreds of foreign missionaries were expelled and sent home. Moreover, believers are strictly forbidden by law to “proselytize” or share the gospel with the local people who adhere to the majority religion.
Our host in the capital city of this country was perhaps the largest congregation in the nation. I was given the opportunity to train the leaders—especially to reach out to the people of the majority religion there. Some leaders in this country have been imprisoned or exiled abroad. Recently, hundreds of foreign missionaries were expelled and sent home. Moreover, believers are strictly forbidden by law to “proselytize” or share the gospel with the local people who adhere to the majority religion.
But the law does not forbid them from healing the sick in the name of Jesus Christ. When people are healed miraculously in His name, they will ask about who Jesus is. Because they have been asked, the believers can share with them—legally—who Jesus really is. He is far more than just a prophet!
That is how we trained the believers there how to reach out to their neighbors without breaking the law of the land.
Perhaps the high point of my trip was the final meeting where I taught the final session of The Elijah Challenge Training. There I gave the believers the opportunity to minister healing as they had been taught, as well as to minister healing at a distance to sick people who were not present using their mobile phones. The Lord was gracious to perform powerful healings in this way.
At least three people with heart conditions who were not present reported dramatic changes in their symptoms after they were ministered to at a distance by the believers in the meeting. One woman with heart disease who actually came testified after being ministered to that she was able to climb the stairs outside the church—which normally she could not do without suffering the consequences—and felt fine and energetic. One woman ministered over the telephone to her husband who had severe pain in his leg and could hardly walk. By the time the smoke cleared, her husband was running.
Perhaps mostly dramatic in a visible way that evening was what the Lord did for a heavy-set woman who had to be helped into the room with difficulty. She had some problem in her left leg which caused severe pain. During the time of healing ministry I saw her standing up with obvious pain while leaning on the back of a chair. I asked her to sit down thinking that she would be more comfortable, but she replied saying that sitting down would be even worse for her.
Then I had the believers lay hands on all the infirm who had come forward as I led them in exercising their authority over the infirmities by issuing authoritative commands in Jesus’ name. Some of the sisters laid hands on the heavy-set woman. After the third time of ministry—and by this time the woman was able to sit down on the chair—she suddenly stood up by herself without any help. Seeing that I took her by the hand and had her step forward. She walked without any limping or difficulty. She began to weep. Then she took off and ran around the room again and again, her tears flowing down her face. The believers exploded with excitement and praise to the Lord.
The Lord greatly encouraged his servants by what He did that last evening. They are now ready to take the gospel out to the lost of this Asian country with boldness and power.
Received from a leader in the church on March 3, 2014
“There are so many miracles of healing here. We’re all so inspired. Thank you so much!!”
March 2, 2014
“After your brief visit my life was completely changed. Last week I left my workplace and decided to spend more time on ministering to people. Now I also spend enough time with my family. In a week I’m going to some places where I want to teach English for free, but the main aims are to find “men of peace”, to heal the sick and spread the Gospel. And this is just the beginning I believe.”