Praise Report –July 2024

If God is for us, who is against us? He who did not withhold his own Son, but gave him up for all of us, will he not with him also give us everything else? Who will bring any charge against God’s elect? (Romans 8:31)                                                                                                                                 

In the month of July we had two gospel meeting in small villages near by India-Pakistan Boarder. The first meeting was held in a Village Dona mattar, District Ferozpur, Punjab. Pastor Surjeet organised the first gospel meeting that was attended by over 75 people. As the word was preached by Pastor Vikas teji, 8 people were delivered from evil spirits and 12 people accepted to Jesus Christ. Also many people received the gift of tongues in this meeting. Many people were healed from different diseases. There is a great testimony. A sister was suffering from severe allergy for many days. When she came to the meeting, even then her mouth was swollen and there were rashes all over her body, but when we prayed for her and she reached her home, all her rashes disappeared and her whole body became healthy. Jesus Christ healed her. Another amazing testimony is that a sister studying in 11th grade came to the meeting and fainted due to heat stroke and did not regain consciousness for several hours. When the pastor prayed for her with believers, she immediately recovered and began praising Jesus Christ.


Another gospel meeting and feeding event was organized by Pastor Harmesh masih in village Habib ke, Ferozpur, Punjab. Pastor Shakuntala preached the word of God and over 6 people committed their lives to Lord Jesus in a gathering of 60 people. People in this poor village were very happy to receive a good meal. Over 16 people testified of the touch of Holy Spirit and healings. More than 12 people were delivered from the evil spirits. There was another sister who believed in the Lord. She did not have her own house, she never thought that she would have her own house, but with faith she prayed to Jesus for her house with the pastor and because of her faith the Lord gave her own house. She praised the Lord with an open heart. There was a sister. Her hair was falling out a lot. She was not a believer but her grandmother believed in Lord Jesus Christ. The girl visited many doctors but she did not get any relief. When her grandmother told her to join Jesus Christ and she came to the meeting and prayed, she felt very good and believed in Jesus. There was another sister who knew the name of Jesus Christ but did not believe in Him. She was listening to the gospel of Lord Jesus from her rooftop where the meeting was going on and when she saw that people were being prayed for by the servant of the Lord, she herself came and got prayers done for her stomach which was swollen and she was healed and shared her testimony after 3 days.


In the month of July, six new believers accepted Jesus Christ because Jesus did many miracles in their lives. Our co-pastors baptize them. We thank God for his great works.

Baptism service in Chhattisgarhi and Uttar Pradesh.


The church also continues to have 3 days fasting prayer service on the 2nd, 3rd and the 4th of every month and Sunday church service. The church also has the online bible study every Saturday with Brother Nishant David.

Bethel church service and Fasting prayer.



In July Bethel church had 29 house prayer meetings in Delhi, Punjab and Chhattisgarh. 

House Meetings in Delhi, Punjab and Chhattisgarh.


We thank Lord Jesus for his great mercy and love. We thank Him for His marvellous works and give Him all the glory, honour and praise. We also thank all our ministry partners and supporters for their prayer, support and love. May Lord Jesus continue to bless you all.