Extraordinary reports from our harvest workers in India


“The rainy season in India is about to start this year, and so our workers will be curtailing their outreaches to unreached regions and start up again after the season is over.

Some selected reports:

In a certain village a new believing family came under persecution from their neighbors. They would not speak to the believers, behaved improperly toward them and even tried to do harm to them. But after a few months a family member of the neighbors developed a serious problem in her lungs. They took her to a hospital where the doctor examined her and prescribed some medicine. But day by day she got weaker and weaker, and her condition worsened. The family enlisted the help of a sorcerer, but he was unable to help. At last they called out to our new believing family and shared with them what had happened. The young man who was the main instigator of the hostility himself came and asked the believers for prayer. They went and over five days ministered to her each evening. The Lord healed her, and all her family members accepted Christ!

A twelve-year-old boy had been possessed by a demon and unable to attend school. His father had taken him to many places for treatment, and had also summoned a sorcerer to their home. But the demon would not leave the boy, but instead troubled him severely.

Our Elijah Challenge workers were proclaiming the kingdom of God in that village. The father pleaded with them to help his son who had been confined in a room. They ministered to him in front of the villagers. The demon shouted and created some commotion, but after our workers rebuked it with much authority, it left the boy. After witnessing the miracle the villagers asked our workers to pray for their needs and safety. Around four people accepted Christ.

In a village known as Hundarman lived a couple childless after eighteen years of marriage. They had spent quite a bit of money seeking medical treatment in several places, but after eighteen years the wife was still barren. Two months earlier our Elijah Challenge workers happened to be in Hundarman ministering to some sick people. The family came and witnessed sick people being healed.

And so they asked our workers for help. They prayed over both husband and wife, and shared the gospel of Jesus Christ with them. After that our workers continued to visit them, encouraging them by ministering to them. Praise the Lord, the wife conceived! Their doctor performed a scan and there was a baby developing normally in her womb. They accepted Christ and requested prayer once in week in their home. A new house church has started up in their home. Please pray!

In a village called Tubuni, Hikada had fallen from a tree during the course of his work cultivating mangos. He injured his chest and back, and couldn’t stand up or walk. For a month he was bedridden despite having been given some local medication. His nasty fall resulted in a blood clot in his chest. But after our workers ministered to him in Jesus’ name, he got up from the bed and walked without any pain and with no problem. He is now attending the house fellowship of our gospel worker.

A man named Arjun Sabar had been suffering from gastritis and burning in his chest for six months. Our Elijah Challenge workers went to his village and ministered to him in the name of Jesus Christ. At that moment Arjun felt something like a hand touch the inside of his stomach, and was instantly healed. The burning sensation vanished, and he was healed from the gastritis. He testified that Jesus had healed him. Glory to God!”

Elijah Challenge Co-Worker in India
July 19, 2019

The Elijah Challenge equips harvest workers to reach resistant people groups effectively and fruitfully by training them to heal the sick miraculously as Jesus did (John 14:11-12)—as irrefutable and compelling evidence that Jesus is the Messiah and the only way to the One True God who created the heavens and the earth.