The Elijah Challenge
Heal the Sick & Tell them the Kingdom of God is NearHeal the Sick & Preach the Gospel
Featured Articles
We have over 2,000 articles documenting miraculous healings from around the world on our website. Below are two of our most recent featured articles!
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Mission Statement
Our mission is to train the trainers to raise up an army of one million harvest workers to be sent to the Lord’s unreached harvest fields inhabited by people groups highly resistant to the gospel—to reach one billion souls for our Messiah Jesus fulfilling the Great Commission during these very Last Days.

Effective Evangelism Training
Our ministry pattern is the based on the ministries of Elijah (1 Kings 18), John the Baptist (Luke 1:17), Jesus Christ (Mark 6) and His disciples (Luke 9). We train believers how to heal the sick miraculously and consistently by the authority of Jesus as compelling evidence He is the Messiah and the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Sending Harvest Workers
We send highly-trained harvest workers to India and other unreached regions—just as Jesus sent the 72 disciples out two-by-two (Luke 10:9). Like the early disciples in Acts, our harvest workers are now witnessing consistent, powerful miracles resulting in extraordinary harvests of souls as they go from village to village.

Open-Air Evangelistic Events
We also send teams of trained workers to unreached villages for events where crowds of villagers will gather together to hear the gospel, to be healed of their infirmities and set free from demons, and to be fed a satisfying meal. Hundreds of people typically accept Christ at each event.