The Elijah Challenge North India – 2019 Report
- 48 Evangelistic Feeding Events were conducted
- An average of 300-plus souls prayed the salvation prayer in each Feeding Event
- 54 new churches were planted as a result of our Feeding Events
- 36 gospel meetings were organised through our network pastors
- Over 15,000 people prayed the salvation prayer during these events
- Over 800 were baptized, with more to come
- The Elijah Challenge Training was organised in 22 churches. Most of them were denominational churches like Baptist, Methodist, Church of North India, and Pentecostal churches having a mission to fulfill the Great Commission.
- 1,500 pastors, leaders and evangelists were trained with The Elijah Challenge
During the 2020 lockdown, 180 families in Delhi prayed the salvation prayer through our food distribution ministry.