Our Mission

We train and help send out workers for the Last Days harvest—just as Jesus trained and sent his disciples to preach the gospel in Luke 9 and 10. We train them how to heal the sick and cast out demons consistently as irrefutable & compelling evidence to gospel-resistant people groups that Jesus is the only way to the Father. Those we train can eventually train other believers.

During these Last Days when the gospel is still unavailable to over 40% of the people on earth—over two billion souls—we are training and sending disciples to heal the sick miraculously and preach the gospel as Jesus commanded: “Heal the sick who are there and tell them, “the kingdom of God has come near to you’” (Luke 10:9).

The resulting extraordinary miracles are irrefutable and compelling evidence to gospel-resistant peoples that Jesus is the Messiah and the only way to our Heavenly Father.

Reports from India

If you would like to have your workers trained, we are available. We do not require any minimum honorarium. Freely we have received; freely we give.

Contact us

Recent results from the Lord’s harvest field

From 2015 to 2018 through Elijah Challenge Gospel Events in India conducted by trained workers in unreached areas and villages, 68,964 people heard the gospel, received effective healing prayer, and were fed. Out of these, 57,182 prayed to accept Jesus Christ as only Lord and Savior. Uncounted thousands were miraculously healed of infirmities and delivered from demons in Jesus’ name. The cost for each salvation was $2.81. The total number of pastors and servants of God trained with The Elijah Challenge totaled 5,901.

In 2018 we sent a group of trained harvest workers two by two—according to Luke 10—to unreached villages in Orissa, the Hindu Fundamentalist-dominated state considered the poorest in India. That year approximately 3,000 souls came to Christ as many were miraculously healed in the name of Jesus Christ. One hundred new house churches were planted in a single year. We support each worker with $75 a month, sufficient for the needs of a family. We are continuing to train and send more workers into the Lord’s vast harvest field during these Last Days.
At our current pace, over 700 house churches will have been planted within a span of three years by the end of 2020—through the ministry of our “Luke 10” harvest workers above. Through them approximately 10,000 people will have accepted Jesus Christ in 2019.