Leslee is a friend of The Elijah Challenge and lives in Adelaide, Australia
“In early July 2013 I felt a sharp pain on my left side of my body from shoulder down to my waist, I had trouble breathing and I thought I might be having a heart attack, stroke or paralysis. Immediately I feebly commanded the pain to go in Jesus’ name but it gave me more pain when I tried to speak.
I called my mum on the phone to pray over me. I managed to say ” Mum help! …pray for …me …am in pain”. My mum with great faith commanded the pain to leave in Jesus’ name and quite instantly the pain stopped and I was able to breathe normally. We praised God. My mum was very encouraged by being able to successfully command the pain to leave me in Jesus’ name.
Yesterday, I was on the phone praying with my Mum asking the Lord to take away my tiredness, insomnia, and some recent chest pain. After praying for me, Mum then issued commands for the pain in my chest, tiredness and anything that is causing me to be unable to sleep, to leave in Jesus’ name. After a few commands I began to feel better as the pain in my chest subsided. Some tiredness remained but it was bearable.”
“I found a web link to an interview of The Elijah Challenge, where the founder speaks about his teaching on an Omega Man Radio broadcast. In case you haven’t seen it, here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?