“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort.” (2 Corinthians 1:3)

[The below report from servants of God who were trained and are supported by The Elijah Challenge]

In the month of September, we organized two meetings in Ferozepur, Punjab, which was in the villages near border area and many people there did not know the name of Lord Jesus. Elijah Challenge-trained Pastor Vikas Teji arranged open-air, public meetings in the streets of those towns. Through these two street meetings many people were delivered from demons, were healed, and above 45 people accepted to Jesus Christ our Lord.

The first meeting was organized by Pastor Vikas Teji in village Bagge ke Pipple where about 150 people attended the meeting and listened to the life story of God by Pastor Shakuntala, and many people got relief from evil spirits and were healed from various diseases. There was a brother whose wife’s due date was over but she was not having labor pains. So, the doctor said that if she did not have labor pains with the help of medicine, she would have to undergo a major operation. But when the brother came to this meeting and prayed to the pastor for his wife, that sister had a normal delivery. Another sister’s husband tried to commit suicide thrice but Jesus Christ did not let him succeed because his wife prayed for him that he should not take such a step and the sister brought her husband to this prayer meeting and got him prayed for the brother. The brother heard the word of the Lord and accepted Jesus as his Savior.

Village Bagge Ke Pipple, Ferozepur, Punjab


The second meeting was also organized by Pastor Vikas Teji at Village Hastiwala, Ferozepur, Punjab where around 170 people came to listen to the words of the Lord through Pastor Shakuntala and while the Pastor was preaching on the Holy Spirit and teaching how to gain authority over Him, the evil spirits of many people started running away and people also started getting relief from other diseases. There was a sister who was having pain in her body for a week. It was as if someone had beaten her body with a stick and when she came to the prayer meeting and applied the blood of the Lord on herself and declared that she has been healed by the shedding of the blood of Jesus Christ. And that sister has become completely healthy. here was another sister who was suffering from evil spirit for two years. Her family members took her to pastors and doctors of every religion but she did not get relief from anywhere. Then a believing brother brought her to this meeting, when pastor Shakuntala was preaching on the Holy Spirit, the evil spirit fled from the body of that sister and the sister became healthy and accepted Jesus as her savior.

Village Hastiwala, District Ferozepur, Punjab  


Praise the Lord, God added 4 more believers to Bethel Church in the month of September, God did great miracles in their lives and they accepted the God. Their testimonies are worth this. There was an old man who was unable to hear from both ears for a long time, his wife who believed in God brought him to the church and when Pastor Shakuntala along with the church prayed for that man, that brother got healed and after two days his testimony came that the brother has started hearing well now and he accepted the God and will also get baptized in the coming time. There was another sister who was possessed by evil spirit for about 5 years and she could not even speak well, when a member of Bethel Church told her about Jesus Christ and brought her to the church, then the whole church gathered and prayed for her, that sister got deliverance from the evil spirit and the sister testified that now I am able to speak well. Now she has been coming to the church continuously for the last 3 weeks.


Bethel Church continued fasting prayers for three days on September 2, 3 and 4. Prayers came from many people, we prayed for all of them and also prayed for the country and abroad so that God’s peace may prevail in all countries. The Lord heard many prayers and answered them. We thank the Lord for His marvelous works.



Many churches in Uttar Pradesh and Chhattisgarh were closed by anti-Christian parties, due to which an online church was organized in which Pastor Shakuntala shared the Word of God among the people and people were blessed through the Word.

Bethel Church team conducted 42 house meetings this month and conducted online Bible study with Brother Nishant David every Saturday.

We first of all thank the Lord Jesus Christ and then all our prayer partners and supporters, because after God’s servant brother Simon went to heaven, it was very difficult to handle the ministry formed by him, but Pastor Shakuntala, the spiritual daughter of Pastor Simon, took this burden upon herself and with your prayers and support Pastor Shakuntala is able to do all this. We started offline church on 17th September, 3 years have passed, during this time we faced many problems, but Jesus took us out of every problem. We praise the wonderful works of the Lord.