Received from Elijah Challenge-trained Co-Worker in Orissa, India
December 2019
“Greetings to you in Jesus’ precious name. Thank you so much for your prayer and support.
Please pray for our country India—it is unsafe, especially for women. The present government is completely partial to the majority Hindus, and unfairly treating other religions. India desperately needs the gospel. Only the gospel can transform the lives of the people here.
Thank you so much for your great vision to reach the various people groups of India.”
Some selected reports from among many…
“An elderly man was in the hospital for a few days, unable to talk or eat. The doctor had been helpless to do anything. When he was brought home from the hospital his family requested our Elijah Challenge workers to come minister to him. It was so wonderful that after they ministered to him in the name of Jesus, he was able to talk and eat. People were amazed to witness such a great miraculous healing, and they believed on and accepted Jesus. Every Sunday now our Elijah Challenge workers are going to their home to teach and minister. A new house church has planted.
Mahadev found himself in serious condition with high blood pressure and diabetes, and had to be admitted to the hospital. Although he was breathing, he was unconscious. The doctor acknowledged that only God could help him. As a last resort, our Elijah Challenge workers were called. They went and ministered to him in the hospital. Mahadev then regained consciousness. Although still weak he was able to talk and get around slowly. He has believed in Jesus Christ.
Extraordinary reports from our faceless workers in India
The Elijah Challenge equips nameless harvest workers to reach resistant people groups effectively and fruitfully by training them to heal the sick miraculously as Jesus did (John 14:11-12)—as irrefutable evidence that Jesus is the Messiah and the only way to the One True God who created the heavens and the earth.
In a village known as Malidi, Sunita Kullu had suffered from a menstrual problem and hemorrhoids. She had been under medication for a long time but did not get well. Our Elijah Challenge workers went and ministered to her. Wonderfully, she was healed from both problems. She accepted Christ.
A young man had fallen from his motor bike injuring his back bone. He was treated at a hospital, but was not completely healed. He had constant pain in his stomach and couldn’t sleep. He told our workers that for the last six months he had been unable to work due to the pain. After our workers ministered to him, he was completely healed. He accepted Christ.
A young woman had an infection in her eyes which had swelled up and teared constantly. She had tried eye drops and other remedies, but nothing worked. Our workers ministered to her, and the Lord healed her. The swelling and tearing disappeared.”