In late 2017 Brother Lucas preached the gospel in a stadium in Bihar, India. Over the two days of the event hundreds were miraculously healed, and thousands accepted Christ. The event made local TV news as well as newspaper headlines.
Bihar, INDIA – Even political leaders on the TV news gave glory to God: “this will reach millions”
After that Lucas began to do twice-daily TV and radio broadcasts for North India. As of April 2018, almost two million people are hearing the gospel every day. He wrote us:
“Just heard back from [two of the pastors] on our TV team. There are three pastors who have phone numbers on the program and they get between 15 to 30 or more phone calls every night asking for more information and prayers. One pastor in a small village has had an increase of 35 people in his church as a direct result of the TV program. They said they are starting house churches with some of the people that don’t have nearby churches to go to. They conservatively estimate that about 300 to 400 people are being saved every single day! I am really pleased with the results.
…Many of the people who call in for [healing] prayer have been miraculously healed when these pastors minister to him in Jesus’ name. They believe many people are being healed [as I minister to them at a distance on] the show, but don’t call afterwards to tell anyone. They said most of these people are very poor and are in remote villages where they are virtually unreached by missionaries, evangelists and pastors.
It sounds like the pastors are very busy with the phone calls and are wanting to set up an office with designated people to sit and take phone calls and pray with people…”
–Report submitted by Iraq War veteran Lucas ( who in 2016 trained first with Shelly Ragen and then with The Elijah Challenge