North India
July 2013

The Elijah Challenge in India

Shared by Bill Willis, a financial supporter of Simon Haqq in North India who has hosted The Elijah Challenge on several occasions where we taught Indian servants of God how to heal the sick for the purpose of bringing Hindus to Jesus Christ. Now Simon and his team conduct monthly evangelistic Feeding Events in North India.

“I have exciting news. Simon Haqq, our evangelist, just called to complete his report of what the Holy Spirit did in the June event. Simon said, We went into Kohnkarn, a Hindu village of approximately 1,000 people in the Gana Padu District.  There were only two known Christian families living in this area, but when we surveyed the village there was a willingness to hear to the gospel. 

Using funds contributed by a dear friend in Houston, we planned to do a 3 day evangelistic crusade, rather than a gospel event, however, God had a different plan. Simon preached the gospel and ministered to the sick Friday evening and the Holy Spirit confirmed the message with powerful healings and deliverance from evil spirits.

Those in attendance started calling their friends and family and told them to come see what was happening. The next day, Saturday, 1,200 people came to hear the gospel and Sunday 1,400 people came. Simon estimates there were 2,000 people in total who accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Because there were many people who had come from other villages with no food to eat, Simon decided we needed to give them something to eat before they started the return trip.  On the last day Simon blessed the food and gave all 1,400 something to eat. 

Now for the rest of the story (Part I)

Unknown to Simon, there was an Orthodox believer visiting the village from Gontour, a fairly large city in Andhra Pradesh, that was in one of the services. There were so many being healed of infirmities and accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior that he returned to his home church and told his pastor about what the Holy Spirit was doing through Simon in Kohnkarn. 

The Orthodox pastor immediately called Simon and invited him to preach at their “Healing Center” on Monday. Simon recognized that God was up to something and agreed to come.  When he got there he found out that the church was “very Orthodox” and very wealthy, with a large church complex of about 50 acres.

Even though the pastor was aware of the powerful healings and deliverance from evil spirits that occurred by the power of the Holy Spirit, he would not allow Simon to do anything but preach the gospel.  In addition Simon was limited to only 30 minutes.

Simon said there were thousands of people, “Like a sea of people”, inside the huge building and outside. He preached a very powerful gospel message and then invited everyone who desired to leave Hinduism and accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior to stand and raise their hands and pray with him. To God’s glory and Simon’s amazement everyone within sight raised their hands and prayed to receive Jesus. Simon and his team estimated 40,000 people made first time commitments to accept forgiveness and eternal life through Jesus as the One and Only Son of God.

Praise the Lord, 42,000 people accepting Jesus Christ in 4 days. Simply Amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!

The rest of the story (Part II)

Also unknown to Simon there had been a man attending the evangelistic service in Kohnkarn from a nearby village.  He had been called by someone in the service to come quickly because people were being healed and delivered from evil spirits, so he stopped what he was doing and came. 

He had been suffering from a dislocated and locked shoulder for many years.  All we know is at some point in one of the services God healed the man’s shoulder.  As a result he returned to his village and showed many what God had done while Simon was preaching about Jesus. 

We have to remember that these are extremely poor, remote, Hindu villages with no good sanitation or water or access to doctors, medications or hospitals. So, when they receive word that people are being healed they are very interested.  Also, these villages are so remote and under the control of local Hindu extremists that no mission groups have even tried to reach them.  Most of the villages have never even heard of Jesus, much less heard the gospel preached. 

Soon after Simon returned to his home in Delhi he got a phone call from the village elder where the man testified as to what had happened to him.  The elder asked Simon to please come to their village.  So, soon we will be doing a Feeding Event in this village and hopefully planting a church. 

Now, I know many who read this report do not believe that God still does miracles today.  However, I want to remind you that these are miracles “in the context of evangelism”, exactly like those in the book of Luke and Acts.  Feeding Events India is dancing on the cutting edge of the expansion of God’s kingdom and as such we can say with great joy what the disciples said in Luke 10:17, “Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name.”  

God’s harvest field is ripe and ready to harvest so, I invite you to pray for us and become a financial partner with us, as we enter into his harvest field. (Luke 10:2)  This one thing I can promise, every dime will be sent to India for Feeding Events and you will be “storing up for yourself treasure in heaven…” (Mt 6: 19-21)

We take no glory unto ourselves, but gladly give all the glory to our heavenly Father.”