“Jaimie Alonso” trained with The Elijah Challenge in 2008 and now trains local harvest workers around the world how to heal the sick effectively as compelling evidence to the lost that Jesus is the Messiah and the only way to the Father in heaven.
“My week in Bali was both rewarding and humbling as I was able to be with and train members of the e3 Partners ministry. I was able to travel with the National leader here where we went with workers into their targeted villages on the island—eight villages total. These workers are faced—everyday—with the challenges of black magic and the Hindu religion. Day after day they visit individual families and minister to them with the Gospel, pray for needs and deal with the results. They had felt weak in casting out demons and healing the sick, but were thrilled with the very basic Elijah Challenge Training. I have been invited to be a part of the e3 Partners basic training course in the future! For me, e3 Partners is the real deal for ministry in a contextual situation.”
Above: Walking into target village to minister….
The woman above (seated) had been given some kind liquid by a witch doctor some time ago. She now wonders around the village picking up trash due to from damage from the liquid or demons. Sadly we could do nothing for her while I was there. The worker is committed to keep ministering to her. She was very timid.
Above: We are visiting Hindu royalty here! After ministry to her ear, she refused to wear her hearing aide! (Maybe over 80 years old?)
Above: We are walking with a man who could not stand up or walk without help—due to pinched nerves in his back. After we ministered to him in Jesus’ name, he got up and walked up this hill to our car!
Above: Stroke victim, tears of joy! He was able to walk when we left, but was very stiff as he had not walked for many years.
Below: Returning out of the village
Above: Training without the usual Powerpoint presentation. The e3 Partners workers just gathered around the laptop.
This was a very eye-opening and life-changing week for me! I have never seen witchcraft in so many ways. Also I have never seen such strong and committed “Soldiers of God” working to defeat the enemy!
Training YWAM
Afterwards I went to nearby Lombok (also in Indonesia) where I conducted The Elijah Challenge Training for the Youth With A Mission Disciple Training School (YWAM DTS) and staff. Below are two videos from the Training.
This video involves a man who has been in pain from a shoulder injury. He had a “brace” from shoulder to elbow and could not lift his arm above his waist. He had been in this situation for four months and had seen a doctor. The video speaks for itself.
This video shows a girl from Sumba (Indonesia). She had just finished her outreach with YWAM. When she came to the base here about 8 months ago, her tongue began to have blisters on the back. There was no pain, just these annoying blisters that rubbed the roof of her mouth. I placed my finger on her tongue, and they instantly went away. All the students were involved in the time of ministering healing.