“I have been astounded at the message The Elijah Challenge presents. I first came across it a couple of weeks ago, when I listened to a Hagman & Hagman recording where you spoke for an hour.
Since then I have listened to the TEC Training presentations several times. – Now my faith and understanding has changed after 30 years, more than I thought possible. I have yet to put into action the lessons, but I’m sure the Lord will lead me into that with believers I fellowship with.
My support is a poor contribution to the Lord’s work to reach the lost. Our western society here does seem very dry, and as you said somewhere, “the fields white to the harvest” are in Asia, India, Middle East etc. We must be bold in our own country also however; this teaching has given hope for a harvest. I feel for this last younger generation, who haven’t witnessed the power of God here.
I will continue to support The Elijah Challenge, as this ministry is clearly set to fulfill the Great Commission more than any other I’ve seen.
May you continue to be blessed in Christ…”