In January 2015 The Elijah Challenge Training was held for Act College of Theology in Northeast India (click on links below). In September 2018 we received the following report from Aito Swu, Founder and Principal of the College.
“Greetings in Christ name.
By the grace of God and with the Training conducted by The Elijah Challenge in 2015, my students at Act College of Theology in Nagaland and I have reached many places in Northeast India including Assam, Arunachel Pradesh, Sikkim, Darglen, Siligury, and reaching out also to Burma and North Bangladesh.
Many people were miraculously healed in the name of Jesus Christ through the use of the power and authority which our Lord Jesus has entrusted to us.
By the grace of God, the ACT College of Theology reaches many places every year, and many have accepted Christ and received water baptism as well. Many were healed from paralysis and fever. There was a Muslim woman who was bleeding for almost 50 days who was healed. As soon as we prayed over her, the bleeding stopped at that moment.
At Ruilui village in Bangladesh, an unreached area, within one year 23 people were baptised. The majority of people in this region are Muslim, along with some Buddhists and a few Hindus. We also planted one small bamboo church for them, now looked after by one of my graduate students.
At Ruilui village in Bangladesh, an unreached area, within one year 23 people were baptised. The majority of people in this region are Muslim, along with some Buddhists and a few Hindus. We also planted one small bamboo church for them, now looked after by one of my graduate students.
Please continue to uphold my family and my ministry at the ACT COLLEGE OF THEOLOGY. Amen.”
Peace in Christ,
Aito Swu, Founder & Principal of A.C.T.