Kallianpury at the border of Uttar Pradesh and New Delhi
Pastor Joshua Gowda of The Elijah Challenge Training Centre in New Delhi wrote:
“At Kallianpury we had very successful Feeding Event. This slum area is heavily populated in the middle of the slum. We squeezed into a very small area to minister.
People were sitting and standing on their rooftops and listened to the Gospel and received Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. A new Church met the following Sunday with 78 people gathering for the worship service. Pastor B. Lal was appointed as the pastor.”
Believers trained under The Elijah Challenge ministered healing to the infirm and the Lord performed miracles of healing through them. The testimonies proved that our God is the only true God.
Below is a photo essay of the Feeding Event in Kallianpury
Above & below: Pastor Joshua in foreground
Above & below: the squalid slums of Kallianpuri
Distributing gospel literature
The Feeding Event
Above & below: healing the infirm in Jesus’ name
Mrs. Pulvati works in a garment factory and suffered from back pain for three years. The pain completely disappeared after a trained believer laid hands on her.
Rambati was not able to work or sleep because of a problem with the left side of her shoulder. After the laying on of hands she was healed and gave her testimony.
Puspa was not able to speak since her neck operation. After an Elijah Challenge-trained believer ministered to her she was healed and could speak properly.
Above & below: listening to the gospel in a cramped space in the middle of the slum
Listening to the gospel from rooftops
Pastor Simon Haqq in white sharing the gospel
Above & below: hearing the gospel of the forgiveness of sins from every nook & cranny
Above & below: receiving Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior
And a new church is planted where there was not even one before
The very next Sunday morning, seventy-eight new believers in Christ Jesus gathered for the very first service of the new fellowship being planted in Kallianpury.