We and the team held Training Seminars and Crusades for major churches and organizations in Jakarta, Surabaya, Bali, Bogor, Bandung, and Jogjakarta. The Crusades were held in low-profile and inexpensive venues like church auditoriums
September – October 2004
In city after city in this fourth most populous country in the world with more Musl__ms than any other, we saw the Lord use the believers trained in the Healing Encounter Seminar to give convincing proof in the evangelistic Crusades that Jesus Christ is the promised Messiah and the only way to the Kingdom of Heaven. Among many other miracles, the lame walked, the deaf heard, the mute spoke, tumors disappeared, and demons were cast out.
Jakarta In Abbalove Ministries, an impactful church in Jakarta with 11,000 souls and 800 cells, we trained 450 leaders. At the ensuing Crusade, Brother B. shared a brief half-hour message about who Jesus Christ is. Then he asked the Lord to prove it by healing the infirm through His disciples. As they laid hands on the sick, multiplied miracles took place and many came up to the platform to testify of their healings. Only after these demonstrations of the proof of Christ’s identify was the invitation given to the lost to accept Christ. They came streaming forward in response. An army from Abbalove has been equipped to destroy the works of the enemy (Liputan – Our Seminar in the Indonesian language).
“I can hear!”
Testimony of healing
Surabaya Here we shared the gospel of Christ before the thousands of poor and homeless people under the compassion ministry of the “Mother Theresa of Indonesia.” Multiplied miracles of healing were reported as the trained believers laid hands on these forgotten ones who live under bridges and in cemeteries. Many who could in no way afford treatment for their vision had their eyesight miraculously restored by the Lord. Indeed, God gives more grace to the humble. Next year we will equip these thousands of little ones with the weapon of authority over disease and demons to become an army for the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Deaf-mute boy hears and
speaks for the first time
Bali On this Hindu island where a suicide bomber killed 202 people two years ago, we and the team ministered with prominent pastor Rev. Timotius Arifin at Bali’s largest church. We were told that this was possibly the first time in this major charismatic church that such things had happened in a service—the equipping of the saints to heal and the preaching of the gospel to the lost combined with the proof of miraculous healings to result in the salvation of Hindu souls. Rev. Arifin plans to continue this type of evangelism in his church, especially in their Friday evangelistic services.
“The pain is completely gone
and I can move freely!”
Bogor We held the Healing Encounter Seminar plus Crusade in the area’s largest church (Assembly of God pastored by Rev. Sugiantono) where General HBL Mantiri is an elder. Again, after we presented the gospel very simply, the Lord confirmed it with miraculous healings as the trained believers ministered to the infirm. “Gospel-resistant” Sundanese Musl__ms accepted Christ at the altar call. These meetings will be continued through the local leadership.
Lame Musl__m woman walks out of wheelchair
Girl lame from birth walks for the first time
Bandung Although attendance in the meetings was low due to technical problems, the result was the same. The Lord used trained disciples to do mighty miracles to confirm that Jesus Christ suffered on the cross to bear our sins and alone has authority to take us to the Father in Heaven.
(Kesaksian yang menakjubkan untuk rumah tangga yg punya pembantu in the Indonesian language)
Jogjakarta Pastors and leaders from across the city and across denominations came together for the Seminar and Crusade. The Lord used the trained believers to demonstrate the truth of the gospel by performing multiplied miracles in Christ’s name. Precious souls streamed forward to accept Christ. The city’s largest church, GBI Alethea, also hosted us.
Summary The Lord is now restoring His miraculous healing power to the whole Church, enabling her to preach the gospel with extreme effectiveness as never before (without depending on specially gifted ministers) to help fulfill the Great Commission.