Greetings to you in Jesus’ precious name. Praise the Lord for His grace upon our ministry in different parts of Orissa. The Lord is doing great and mighty things through our Elijah Challenge Pastors. Thank you so much for your prayer and support.

We had a very fruitful Elijah Challenge Training Event this month at Mali Sahi in the town of Kotagarh. Around fifty to sixty servants of God gathered together. It was completely new for the servants of God. Many were very excited to hear this teaching, and testified that it is a very important tool for fulfilling the Great Commission. After we ministered to the sick, instant healings took place.

For the last three years a young sister named Tisa suffered from paralysis on one side of her body. Suddenly one day her hand, leg and mouth on one side of her body began to droop severely, and she was not able to talk or walk properly. Her hand was completely curled up. In Jesus’ name we ministered to her hand, fingers and leg. Immediately afterwards her body straightened out and she started to move around normally.  She was healed instantly. With tears she testified that she was healed from the terrible infirmity. It was wonderful to see such a great miracle. See Tisa in the photo below.

Trained servants of God praying over Tisa’s paralyzed hand

She’s able to lift her arm and open up her hand freely

Reports from Elijah Challenge Coordinator Subodh Jena Kumar

A woman named Jesi had a broken leg and for a year she was not able to walk normally. She would walk very slowly. We ministered with some trained servants of God, and she was healed right there. She started to walk here and there without pain.


A young man named Swadhin had hydrosol disease and had suffered a lot for months. Even after much medication he was not well. The pain was very severe. The trained servants of God ministered to him. It was hard to believe, but he testified that he was healed instantly.

Ministering to Swadhin with the laying on of hands & authority

Swadhin testifying the Lord has healed him

A sister named Sarita was suffering from back pain for a long time. Along with trained servants of God we ministered to her. Praise God she was healed at that moment.

Sarita testifies she is healed

Thank you so much for your prayer and support.

Subodh & family

Subodh and Rosie along with Nathan and Johnson