Note: In the vast foreign mission fields of the world where you will encounter billions of gospel-resistant Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and idol-worshipers, the Lord Jesus can perform miraculous healings in response to prayer. Just as He did in the gospels and Acts, the Lord demonstrates to them through such miracles that He is the only way to the Father (John 14:6, 11). When resistant people groups witness the miracles that their gods or religions cannot do, their hearts are open to believing on Christ as only Lord and Savior. They are not unlike the Jews of the gospels about whom Jesus said, “Unless you people see signs and wonders,” Jesus told him, “you will never believe” (John 4:48).

By Annette
January 4, 2015

“I woke up early this morning just brimming over with the truths and glory God has revealed to me during my time in India. I personally learned that the JOY of The Lord and the ABUNDANT LIFE Christ came to give us is not reflected in the health, wealth and pursuit of “happiness” that we in America enjoy; but is SO MUCH deeper!”



“The Lord was so gracious to us during our training event in Delhi.  Close to 300 people came to hear The Elijah Challenge training led by Charles.  (Again we were blessed to have our new friend Charles David interpret for us!)   The two of them were able to get through the training before lunch and praise God when we did a demonstration; a woman with pain in her knees and back was healed instantly.  Praise The Lord!!”

Subsequent report from Annette in January 2015:

Present during their Training was an Indian church planter. He was favorably impressed by what he heard, and immediately put it into practice. He called together his church-planting workers and trained them how to minister to the sick as he had just been trained to do by Charles & Annette. Equipped in this way, his workers would be able to reach unreached areas for the gospel more effectively. When Hindus in those areas witness the power of our Lord Jesus to heal and deliver, many will turn to Him as Lord and Savior.

Report from Charles: “At today’s gospel event, there were ~ 300 people in attendance. Simon preached and many accepted Christ. At least 10 – 15 people came forward (after Simon’s preaching) and testified of healings including a man who had a growth that had disappeared. Afterwards we had a fruitful time of prayer and healing highlighted by witnessing hearing restored to 2 boys. Also, Annette prayed for a man who had a hernia and he said it felt closed. At the Women’s Conference there were 100+ people in attendance. At least 80% either accepted Christ or rededicated their lives to Christ. Afterwards when we ministered to those with infirmities who came forward for prayer, there were numerous miraculous healings. It was quite a night.”

Back to Annette: “[Before arriving in India]; we had planned a family conference along with the Women’s Event, Feeding and Elijah Challenge Training Event, but later abandoned the family conference idea because of the priority to train on our authority to heal the sick and cast out demons.  Well, we learned that many flyers had already been printed and sent out to 100’s of people before the decision to cancel had been made and MANY couples and families had arrived that day for the ‘family conference.’  All I can say is Praise be to God HE was in control!

Two days prior while visiting Jaipur The Lord downloaded to me a complete outline of his truths for husbands, wives, parents and children.  I was not preparing a message; I was just recording what was on my heart.  When we finished the Elijah training at lunch and so many families had come to learn from God; In realized my notes were for them! Several of the passages God gave me to share were: Ephesians 5:22-31 what it looks like to submit our selfish wills to show the love of Christ to our spouse. John 15:10-13 — that the joy and strength of our marriage comes from choosing to love each other by allowing the Holy Spirit to love our spouse through us.  That together we can walk in the authority to heal the sick and cast out demons together!




Charles joined me to speak to the parents and children. We read from my notes and The Lord gave Charles so many wonderful things to share about how God sets the perfect father figure for us. Simon told us that several people said to him they had never heard a sermon like ours on how we are to love our family or been ministered to by a man and woman team!  I am so humbled that The Lord can use Charles and me like this!! We tied all of the training together by sharing : As we give gifts to our children GOD gives his gift of the Holy Spirit to us : giving US the authority to heal and cast out demons!

Luke 11:11 “Which of you fathers, if your son asks for[f] a fish, will give him a snake instead? 12 Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? 13 If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!”

And that our ministry to others and our wielding our God given authority to heal the sick and cast out demons does not depreciate from Jesus’ command to love one another.  In fact, loving is more important than all of the gifts. 1 Corinthians 13:10-13  

We ended by talking about loving one another and not being harsh to one another.  That Satan is the enemy not our spouse, child or parent.  That we should walk in love and use our authority over Satan together. At the conclusion, Simon asked how many couples had harmed each other in words and deeds and all of us raised our hands and repented.  We had a beautiful blessing over the couples and families.  But God was not through.  Because of the room size and amount of people present; we had anyone with pain or illness raise their hands.  We instructed believers near them to lay hands on them and Charles led them in the commands.  Several of the testimonies included:

  • One woman delivered from a strong demonic hold.
  • Numerous headaches gone.
  • One lady said her kidney stone pain was gone.
  • A man with a back injury for 10 years, it effected his ability to walk and he had pain.  He had been to doctors and taken medicine with no help but PRAISE GOD he was healed!!!

We had not prepared for the family conference, but God had.”