IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE for the gospel: 2,500 testimonies of biblical miracles from the most populous nation on earth

A Nigerian man named Ekpo had suffered from liver failure and various abdominal afflictions for a very long time. His parents and siblings were afraid that they would soon lose him. The hospitals did their best to treat Ekpo, but all was to no avail. His condition was in fact worsening. He was unable to move around, to eat, or to do any work at all.

Ekpo’s mother brought him to Apostle Joshua Oghoghoreva — a trained Elijah Challenge Coordinator based in Warri, Nigeria. Brother Joshua ministered to him in the wondrous name of our Messiah Jesus, and Ekpo was miraculously healed and set free.

The doctor examined Ekpo, and declared that he is now perfectly healthy. He is now able to live an active and normal life, serving the Lord with joy and thankfulness. Praise the Lord.

Below are the doctor’s reports on Ekpo’s condition after his miraculous healing.