“Thank you so much for your prayer and financial support. The Lord is using our workers very powerfully even in difficult and dangerous areas like Deliganj. There in 1999 Australian missionary Dr. Graham Staines and his two young sons were burned alive by Fundamentalist Hindus. 

Selected reports 

In the state of Chhattisgarh a Hindu priest had become a problem, creating disturbances for one of our house churches during their services. So for a few months our Elijah Challenge workers had suspended the meetings. Then the wife of the priest fell very ill. The family took her to see many doctors, but to no avail.

Finally as a last resort the Hindu priest summoned our Elijah Challenge workers and asked for their help. After our workers ministered to her, she was miraculously healed. After that both the priest and his wife accepted Jesus Christ. The house church they had forced to shut down began to meet again with them in attendance. Along with them came another family. The priest was skilled at playing a leather musical instrument, and is now playing for the fellowship. Praise the Lord!

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Extraordinary reports from our harvest workers in India

The Elijah Challenge equips harvest workers to reach resistant people groups effectively and fruitfully by training them to heal the sick miraculously as Jesus did (John 14:11-12)—as irrefutable and compelling evidence that Jesus is the Messiah and the only way to the One True God who created the heavens and the earth.

For a long time in an unreached village a boy named Vala had been suffering from seizures. His parents had tried various kinds of treatment for their son including allopathic and ayurvedic medicine, but with no results. Although they knew about our Elijah Challenge workers, they did not want to ask for their help. When at last there was no more hope for their boy, they relented and summoned our workers. After they ministered to the boy, he stopped having seizures. They accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.

A woman had suffered from an issue of blood for 25 days. The bleeding instantly stopped after our Elijah Challenge workers ministered to her in the name of Jesus. She was well.

In the village of Sefali an elderly woman had been suffering from demon attacks which caused her body to shake. Another demon caused her to go mute. After our Elijah Challenge workers ministered to her in Jesus’ name, the shaking demon left and she began to talk again.

 A boy was suffering from a tumor in his stomach. The family wanted an operation to have the tumor removed, but did not have the money. They were thinking of selling their land to get money for the operation. But after our Elijah Challenge workers ministered to the boy in Jesus’ name, the tumor disappeared from his stomach. They believed and accepted Christ. A house church has started in that new village.”

Elijah Challenge Co-Worker in India
August 21, 2019