“Thank you so much for your intercessory and financial support for the extension of His kingdom here in India. Even though there will be much opposition and many obstacles due to the re-election of Fundamentalist Hindu Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the work of God will continue to bear much fruit in the Lord’s harvest field here. We hope to send you more reports and photos in the days ahead. Praise the Lord!”

Selected reports among many…

Her enemies sent a demon to possess and torment a Hindu woman

Her name is Nanchanamani Gouda (above & below), and she suffered much at the hands of the demon for two months. She and her husband sought help from a sorcerer, but he failed to deliver her. Somehow they heard about the ministry of The Elijah Challenge, and contacted our trained workers. Our workers went to their home, and with supernatural authority in the wondrous name of our Messiah Jesus they commanded the demon to leave Nanchanamani. The demon promptly left and she was set free. Both she and her grateful husband then believed and accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior.



Hindu woman needed surgery to correct a serious problem with her uterus

For already a year Biraa (below) had suffered. The doctor she consulted prescribed medicine for her and also recommended that she undergo an operation. While her husband was arranging the funds to pay for the surgery, he heard about our Elijah Challenge workers. He asked them for help. They came and ministered to Biraa in Jesus’ name over a period of a few days. Her uterus was wondrously healed. After that both she and her husband accepted Jesus Christ.



Man suffering from asthma unable to breathe normally despite treatment by doctor

Narayan Bhatra had already suffered for two years. After medical treatment failed to provide relief, he came across our Elijah Challenge workers and shared about his asthma with them. They then ministered to Narayan with authority and power in the name of the Messiah Jesus. He was wonderfully healed and able to breathe normally again. After that Narayan accepted Jesus Christ.



For months pus would drip out of a young boy’s ear

Rabi’s (below) parents had already taken him to the hospital where medicine was prescribed for him. But after taking it for months, the pus continued to come out of his ear. Then our Elijah Challenge workers came and ministered to Rabi in the name of Jesus Christ. The pus dried up, and Rabi was totally healed. Both his father and mother then believed in Jesus and received Him as their Lord and Savior.



Young Hindu woman could not eat for days due to pain in her infected stomach

Her name is Rupali (below). Her parents had taken her to see a doctor who prescribed medicine for her. But the infection persisted. Then our Elijah Challenge workers came and ministered to her, rebuking the infection with authority and power in Jesus’ name. Rupali was then miraculously healed from the infection and pain in her stomach. She and her parents then accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
