This morning we received an email from our Coordinator in India. He wrote:

“Last week I was praying for our Elijah Challenge ministry, and especially for you. Suddenly I saw a vision. In the vision, you are standing in the middle of a big harvest field in India—a cultivated land of around 15 acres—with row after row after row of crops. The land is flat. 

In your hand I saw you holding some of the fruit of the land.

There is not a single day when we did not pray for you and The Elijah Challenge. But in my entire life I have never had a vision like this. I fully believe that a great harvest will take place in the days ahead, and your vision for millions to enter the kingdom of God will be fulfilled. Praise the Lord!” 

A few selected reports from our Coordinator…

“In the village of Hendadepa a man named Deali had been demonized for three days, causing a serious headache for the whole family. A sorcerer was summoned but could do nothing to help. Then our Elijah Challenge workers showed up. Before they had a chance to do anything, the demon said to them, “you are servants of God, and I am leaving.” At that very moment the demon left—before our workers had uttered a word. The villagers and family were astonished that the demon was so frightened and refused to remain in the presence of our workers. Three families accepted Christ.

Extraordinary reports from our harvest workers in India

The Elijah Challenge equips harvest workers to reach resistant people groups effectively and fruitfully by training them to heal the sick miraculously as Jesus did (John 14:11-12)—as irrefutable and compelling evidence that Jesus is the Messiah and the only way to the One True God who created the heavens and the earth.

Pinku would fall down and have seizures, especially when there was a full moon or on other similar “special” days on the calendar. Due to the falls he had injured various parts of his body. Prescription drugs did not help. But when our Elijah Challenge workers went to his village and ministered to him, he was healed and the seizures stopped. He believed on the Lord Jesus as his personal Saviour.

Laxmi’s life was miserable suffering from several open wounds on her head even after much medication. Her husband was fed up with the situation and eventually left her. But soon our wonderful Lord would perform two miracles for her. Our workers went to that village and ministered to her in Jesus’ name. Within a few days all the wounds dried up. Our Elijah Challenge workers also prayed for her husband to return. And he came back to Laxmi. Both of them have accepted Christ, and are now living together harmoniously.

Namita had suffered from a spinal problem for a long time. She had much difficulty even moving her back. She couldn’t get up after waking up. She was under regular medication, but there wasn’t any sign of improvement. But when our Elijah Challenge workers ministered to her, she was totally healed. Her family believed in Jesus and accepted Him as their Lord and Savior.   

For two long years a man named Bhagirthi Nayak had suffered from arthritis in his hands. He had heard about our workers. Since the pain was very severe he couldn’t wait for the workers to come. Instead he called them over the phone for ministry. When our worker prayed and ministered to him over the phone, the pain vanished and he was miraculously healed. After that our worker went to his village for follow up. Both Bhagirathi and his wife accepted Christ.  

Glory to God!”

Elijah Challenge Coordinator in India
August 10, 2019