Sijarsi, India
July 22, 2007

The Elijah Challenge in India

“At Sijarsi on Sunday, July 22, we conducted our first Feeding Event. Before feeding the people Pastor Simon Haqq preached the gospel to 476 people. Then our full-time leaders trained under The Elijah Challenge laid their hands on the sick and healed them. At the end we counted 280 people who gave their lives to Jesus Christ. Within a short period of time the news spread about our event and many more people came to be healed by the Lord Jesus and later joined us for the Feeding Event.”

Received August 24:

“At Sijarsi after the gospel event we have seen a tremendous door opening for the Gospel with our local pastor M. Masih who was trained by Elijah Challenge teachings. The training part I personally do all your teachings, CDs you gave me and some of your notes you gave few years back I am using it. I was sincerely serious to use The Elijah Challenge teachings after our successful meeting at Meerut. Since then every month I am training at least ten believers in a month. Also I am introducing our teaching in Pastors’ prayer networks, and even pastors are taking an interest to learn. In the days to come, more and more will go and heal the sick, preach the Gospel so His Kingdom will be glorified.

Pastor M. Masih from Sijarsi gave his reports telling that for Sunday worship 124 people came for the fellowship. In Sijarsi almost every day miracles and wonders are taking place. Praise the Lord, this is the first church in the whole village. He is conducting meetings at the home of one of the believers, soon we will be having a Baptism service for this villagers!”

Above & below: the village of Sijarsi

Above & below: the Feeding Event

Above & below: preaching the gospel to the villagers

Above & below: Souls accepting Jesus Christ as Savior

Above: healing the sick in Christ’s name

Woman testifies of her healing

Above & below: ministry to the sick in Christ’s name