Reports from Carl Henderson
Carl trained with The Elijah Challenge in 2006, and is presently serving as a missionary in the Philippines.
An update from us and Baguio International Church (BIC), we have started 15 new SEED Churches in Baguio and nearby Nagillian. We use the Elijah challenge to heal people in these new house type churches and they get excited when they see the power of God work. This leads them to introduce us to more people who then turn into more Seed Churches.
We have 134 new believers and soon to be believers in five weeks. BIC, our church, which is doing this work only has 89 people in attendance on most Sundays. We are multiplying not just adding to the Kingdom of God, Praise the Lord! People are already calling this an apostolic ministry, because of the growth provided by my newly trained evangelist/ missionaries and church planters we have trained in the past four months at BIC. Praise the Lord!
We use three things to accomplish this:
(1) Evangelism (The Elijah Challenge & Way of the Master),
(2) Obedience based Discipleship (I put this together) and
(3) Church Planting.
I will give more details later, we are very, very, very busy now! It is exciting to see the people I trained, on fire and accomplishing so much. I have several students from BIC who have skipped a semester of college to work full time as church planters and another resigned her job to work for us in full time ministry as an evangelist and church planter.
We just gained access to a college of 16,000 students. Our goal to give them the vision and put them in ministry also!
Pastor Carl Henderson
TEC Philippines Coordinator
MOR – Mission of Reconciliation