Non-charismatic evangelicals can minister effective miraculous healing without “the gift of healing”
The infirm are healed and accept Christ on THE LAS VEGAS Strip
Training disciples to preach the gospel powerfully and fruitfully—just as Jesus taught and commanded his disciples: “Heal the sick and tell them, ‘the kingdom of God has come near to you.’” (Luke 10:9)
Learn to heal the sick as Jesus did for the sake of the gospel
Since 2000 The Elijah Challenge has been training servants of God and disciples how to preach the gospel with power to the lost, especially to resistant non-Christian people groups. In accordance with John 14:12, we will teach you how to minister to the sick and cast out demons effectively just as Jesus did in the gospels and as He trained His disciples to demonstrate convincingly to the lost that He is in fact the Son of God and the only way to the Father. One Indian pastor who trained with The Elijah Challenge saw 1,000,000 souls come to Christ in a single meeting. We are now in the last days, and we are seeing a definite acceleration around the world for the fulfillment of the Great Commission. The Training will be conducted by US-based Coordinators of The Elijah Challenge.
Endorsement/Article by Senior Associate Pastor of Second Baptist Houston
Endorsement from General Presbyter of the Tennessee Assemblies of God
Endorsement from District Superintendent of the United Methodist Church
Endorsement from Distinguished Pastor with Doctorate from Westminster Theological Seminary
The Lord will be gracious to heal those who come to this event
At this event you will have opportunities to lay hands on those with infirmities in Jesus’ name, and you will witness the Lord’s miraculous healing power at work. We welcome those with infirmities to come to be healed by the Lord, especially those who suffer from any kind of heart disease. After they are prayed over, the symptoms of their heart condition will disappear and they will be able to do things they could not do before.
Actual testimonies of people who had heart disease
21215 FM 529, Suite 210
Cypress, Texas 77433
Hosted by Arthur & Sabrina
William & Lucille
Saturday, January 6 from 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM
There is no registration fee to attend this event. “Freely we have received, freely we give.” Compliments of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Millennials: our hope to fulfill the Great Commission during these Last Days
What is unique about The Elijah Challenge?
Testimonies from Elijah Challenge-trained servants of God
Training SPECIAL FORCES for the Kingdom of God
The Story of The Elijah Challenge