April 2023 Report on mission trip to Kenya received from Kurt Simms
Master Electrician Kurt trained with The Elijah Challenge in Houston in 2008 and now leads Great I Am Global Ministries | Facebook

“William, this was a Marketplace Crusade, where much of the village is under the power of witchcraft. The day before we had witnessed door to door with several groups exercising power and authority, healing the sick, casting out demons resulting in people being born again! One young man was practicing witchcraft for the witch doctor lived next-door to him. He was born again, and without anyone telling him he went inside and got all of his charms, and said he didn’t want them anymore. My teammate Bill had talked to the witch doctor, and invited her to come to the crusade in the marketplace.

At this Marketplace Crusade, we presented the Elijah Challenge as in 1 Kings 18. Around 11 people came forward with all sorts of problems and I challenged the witch doctor to use her power, and of course she didn’t accept the challenge. At that point, I prayed to God and asked him to rain down fire from heaven to heal the sick and cast out demons. proving that Jesus Christ is Lord and God.

All of them were healed, without laying hands on any of them except one or two. The gospel was presented, and two demon possessed men came walking up off the street and wanted to be delivered. Both men were set free and called upon the Lord Jesus Christ to save them.”



“I thought I would share a few videos from a place called prayer mountain in Kakamega Kenya, from where I just returned. The first lady was paralyzed on her right side of her body from a stroke, and was healed, and after that a few people had blindness in their eyes, and were healed. I shared your Elijah Challenge zoom training with several, and I think some plan to attend.”





Special Update from Elijah Challenge Coordinator Ngum Peter in Cameroon, Africa

“During the March 2023 visit of three American missionaries in Cameroon connected to me by our mentor William, l organized several Gospel outreach events with them. During such events many healings took place as missionary Micah and l demonstrated the teachings of Elijah Challenge. We saw eyesight restored. A journalist working with Cameroon National Television received healing during the event and offered us free Gospel time at the TV station. Many kings in Cameroon received us and heard the gospel. We also reached a tribe in Cameroon that live in the forest and do not wear clothes. The man without a shirt is their king and the man sitting is one of their local chiefs. A house was offered in the village of the unreachable tribe for us to start a church. The tribe is known as the pygmies. They only live in the jungle. You can find more information on the pygmies in Cameroon through Google. We are planning to reach many of them with the gospel.

The Former Prime Minister of Cameroon also received us warmly.”

The shirtless man is the king of the pygmy tribe


The man seated is a local chieftain


In the middle in white is the Chief of the Southwest region of Cameroon
At the right is Elijah Challenge Coordinator for Cameroon Ngum Peter