by Elijah Challenge | Dec 17, 2011 | Articles/Teaching, Teachings, Training
In contemporary charismatic circles there is an emphasis on “the anointing.” It is said that when the Holy Spirit came on the Day of Pentecost, He brought this anointing to the Church and to the followers of Jesus Christ. Through this anointing, we can serve Him with...
by Elijah Challenge | Dec 17, 2011 | Articles/Teaching, Teachings, Training
. Back to Fulfilling the Great Commission & the Last Days .Back to ministering healing to infirm believers . For hundreds of years the Church has been taught what could be called a “theology of helplessness.” According to this perspective, believers are generally...
by Elijah Challenge | Dec 17, 2011 | Articles/Teaching, Teachings, Training
In many Christian circles, it is taught that believers should usually wait for a “rhema” before taking action regarding a particular matter of importance. This refers to the word of the Lord or leading of the Holy Spirit regarding the matter. This is...
by Elijah Challenge | Dec 17, 2011 | Articles/Teaching, Teachings, Training
The Church today sees healing primarily as a blessing from the Father for the followers of His Son Jesus Christ. While Jesus called it the “children’s bread,” there may be some misunderstanding of who these “children” actually are.Matthew 15:22 A Canaanite woman from...
by Elijah Challenge | Dec 17, 2011 | Articles/Teaching, Teachings, Training
.. Back to Fulfilling the Great Commission & the Last Days .Back to ministering healing to infirm believers . Often after an infirm believer is prayed over, he will proclaim that he is healed “by faith” even though the symptoms persist. Let us examine...
by Elijah Challenge | Dec 17, 2011 | Articles/Teaching, Teachings, Training
No longer will the Church run in terror from the giants of Isl–m, Hinduism, Buddhism, and witchcraft 1 Samuel 17:8 Goliath stood and shouted to the ranks of Israel, “Why do you come out and line up for battle? Am I not a Philistine, and are you not the...