“Wonderful miracles happened in these two crusades this past week.
As we used the Elijah Challenge approach to healing and deliverance, we saw massive manifestations of the power of the Holy Spirit. Over two hundred people confessed Christ.
A man drinking and smoking at a bar beside the crusade ground was delivered from five years of walking on crutches. During the time of ministry, he decided to connect from the bar. A few minutes into the ministry, he jumped out of the bar throwing away his crutches and ran to the crusade ground with a great testimony while I was still ministering to the sick with authority.
I thank you so much for causing me to see vividly my three offices of prophet, priest and king.
The other day in my office I healed a woman instantly from a two-week perpetual crushing pain in her head. Immediately after I rebuked the headache in Jesus’ name, she manifested and was delivered.”
-Elijah Challenge-trained Pastor Nkaimbi Denis who leads 23 Churches under the Cameroon Baptist Convention in Cameroon, Africa
UNDENIABLE PROOF that Jesus is the Son of God: 2,500 testimonies of biblical miracles in INDIA
This is a good report and the Lord is showing Himself everywhere we go. Let’s keep going to the world to preach the gospel and the Lord will bless us in Jesus name