By Hanok Masih
April 2014
This month (March 2014) we had two mini-Feeding Events. Due to election fever in the city we’re not allowed to hold big gatherings, so we decided to do two mini-Feeding Events.
The first was in Delhi in a place called Fategrah where 80 people gave their lives to the Lord. A young boy had severe nose blockage but God instantly removed the growth from his nose. HIs father being a non-believer wept uncontrollably after seeing his boy healed and gave his life to the Lord. After seeing the miracle the pastor Rev Peter invited us to conduct a healing meetinSheg. We agreed to it, and to our surprise the crowd doubled the next day.
During the alter call a girl was crying and said, “I have never experienced Jesus like this before. In her testimony she said that she didn’t even feel like coming to the meeting, but an inner voice compelled her to come. She was feeling so different. Her parents later told us that she was going through a deep depression.
Our second gospel event was in a village called Kankar Khatta in Haridwar where close to 70 new souls gave their lives to the Lord.
Now we have close to 1500 + believers in Haridwar in different villages.
We baptized 22 people, and another 50 are ready.