Extraordinary reports from our harvest workers in India
“Praise the Lord for the harvest we are witnessing in unreached villages. Our harvest workers are seeing outstanding miracles of healing and deliverance in the wonderful name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
More reports
In a certain village a young man named Gopi had been demonized, causing a big problem for his parents. They had called a sorcerer who came and did magic incantations, offered sacrifices, and tried everything in his repertoire. But the demon would not leave. Finally he tried biting Gopi, and Gopi just bit him back.
Having failed all else, the sorcerer told Gopi’s parents to summon our Elijah Challenge workers. Our workers went to Gopi’s village, and in front of many villagers they ministered to Gopi in Jesus’ name. Instantly the demon left. The villagers were astonished to see the demon leaving within minutes in the name of Jesus Christ—while the sorcerer had tried everything for a whole day without success. Three families believed and accepted Christ. Our workers have started a house church there.
In a village there was an 8-month-old infant girl who had not eaten for a week. The people thought it might have been caused by a goddess demanding a sacrifice. They summoned a sorcerer who sacrificed a goat and a chicken hoping to satisfy the goddess. But the girl would not eat anything. So her parents took her for treatment at a hospital. But she still would not eat.
Our Elijah Challenge workers went to their village and ministered to the child in the name of Jesus Christ. She began to drink water, and after a few minutes was eating. Her family had been extremely concerned as she was their only daughter. Both father and mother accepted Christ.
While Pani Majhi was working in the fields he collapsed and lost consciousness due to his high blood pressure. He was taken to a hospital. There the doctor gave him some medicine said that he needed to be taken to the state capital for proper medical care. But since his family could not afford such treatment they just took Pani home. Our workers went there and for three days ministered to him. He was healed, able to get up and walk slowly. His family believed and accepted Christ.
Siba had boils on his body. They were very painful making it hard for him to lie down to sleep or even sit. Our workers ministered to him in the precious name of Jesus, and the pain disappeared. The boils all dried up.
For ten days a woman named Padmalata Tandi had trouble breathing caused by an infection; just taking a breath was painful for her. After our workers ministered to her in the name of the Lord, she was instantly healed.
Two years earlier while working a carpenter’s leg was injured by a sharp piece of iron causing it to swell up. Without the help of a staff he couldn’t stand up or walk. He had gone to a doctor and for a long time was prescribed medication, but there was no improvement at all.
In a village nearby our house fellowship was meeting, and he and his wife came for prayer. The first week he felt some relief but the swelling did not go down. But the following week after our workers ministered to him his swelling had gone down and he was able to walk without the staff. Gradually the swelling and pain subsided. Both he and his wife accepted Christ.
All the glory to God!”
Elijah Challenge Co-Worker
July 23, 2019
The Elijah Challenge equips harvest workers to reach resistant people groups effectively and fruitfully by training them to heal the sick miraculously as Jesus did (John 14:11-12)—as irrefutable and compelling evidence that Jesus is the Messiah and the only way to the One True God who created the heavens and the earth.