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What is the point of life on earth: to be “successful” or to store our treasure in heaven?
Why aren’t we following Paul as he followed Jesus?
“He That Overcometh”: what does it mean in Revelation?
Is it necessary to store your treasure in heaven in order to inherit eternal life?
Would you prefer to be given charge over “ten cities” or over “five cities” in the next age?
Video teaching: Eternal Rewards in heaven
“What an uplifting message…wow!”
Storing our treasure in the Cloud
Winning the race going away (instead of barely falling across the finish line)
Would you prefer to be given charge over “ten cities” or over “five cities” in the next age?
The King who will rule by force with a scepter of iron
You can “win” the race, but still be disqualified for the prize
Overcomers in the Last Days according to Revelation
Eternal Rewards: Choosing the Right Building Materials
Your Place and Standing in the Next Age
Do all believers “love the appearing” of Christ?
The second most important thing in life
Is it right to focus our attention on our heavenly reward?
What evangelicals don’t want to know about WORKS