November 2018
Approximately 150 denominational leaders, pastors, servants of God, church workers and their wives were present for the two-day training in Asia. We taught them that just as Jesus sent out the 72 disciples to heal the sick and proclaim the kingdom of God to the lost in Luke 10, the Church today can do the same—in order for the gospel of the kingdom to be preached to all nations and people groups before the end comes. We taught them exactly how Jesus trained his disciples to heal the sick with his supernatural power and authority.
Their response was most encouraging. Never before had they heard such teaching which had been taken entirely from Scripture.
During the course of the Training we ministered to people with infirmities as actual live demonstrations of the principles we were teaching. Present was a young woman who wanted to serve the Lord but due to her heart condition she felt constantly weak in her body. We had the sisters from our German team lay hands on her heart with power and authority in the name of Jesus Christ. Immediately afterwards she felt strength return to her body. We commanded her to run, and she took off running up and down the aisle several times. She felt absolutely normal. The Lord was greatly magnified in the midst of his people.
In the evening more people came to be healed by the Lord through the trained believers. A woman who was deaf in her left ear testified that she could hear. A young 23-year-old mother with four young children had a growth the size of a small orange in her underarm. The young woman whom the Lord had healed of her heart condition earlier in the day came forward to minister to her. She and Sister Elizabeth from Germany laid their hands on the growth and rebuked it in Jesus’ name. The growth shrunk to the size of a pea and the accompanying pain on that side of her body disappeared.
At the training session the following morning, many more came to healed and were touched by the Lord’s miraculous healing power as the believers-in-training ministered to them. Another deaf ear was opened. A Sikh man had been brought by his wife to the meeting. He had suffered severe injury to his brain in a fall and was paralyzed, especially on one side of his body. He was brought forward slowly inch-by-inch. Believers laid hands on him and commanded his healing with authority in the name of Jesus Christ. We then told him to walk, and he was able to walk down the aisle with some help. He said that he felt better. After several more rounds of ministry, he was able to walk almost without any assistance. His paralyzed arm which had been frozen in place he was now able extend out fully. He looked completely different from when he was first brought up to the front—at that time paralyzed, totally helpless and distraught. The following month we were told that he was walking around freely all by himself.
Thursday, November 15, 2018
Seventy-eight years ago Canadian Baptist missionaries arrived in this area, and over the decades succeeded in planting many churches. Approximately 20 plus years ago these missionary brethren were no longer, having either passed on to the Father’s house on the field or forced out of India by the government. Evangelism then ceased completely. Since then church growth among these Baptists was through biological increase alone. They dared not reach out to the Hindus and Buddhists in their midst.
For two days we trained the pastors and leaders of this Baptist denomination with The Elijah Challenge. We taught them that our Lord Jesus Christ has left with his disciples powerful weapons—supernatural authority and power over infirmities and demons—for demonstrating to the Hindus and Buddhists that our God is the only true God and that Jesus is the only way to Him. The Baptists enthusiastically embraced the teaching since it followed the gospels closely, and was actually confirmed to them by the Lord as we had them come forward to apply the Lord’s power and authority over those present who had physical infirmities.
At the end of the second day, we asked people with infirmities to come forward to healed by the newly-trained servants of God. A woman blinded by sugar diabetes was led forward. Several men also stood up and streamed to the front to be healed by the Lord of various infirmities. Then we had others come forward to lay hands on them and exercise authority in the name of Jesus Christ. Sisters came forward and laid hands on the eyes of the blind woman.
Suddenly the blind woman began to scream. She could see! Her friend who had brought her forward took the microphone and testified before the astonished Baptists. Then one by one the men who had come forward testified that the Lord had miraculously healed them of their respective infirmities as hands were laid on them. God is so good.