Tom Briggs and Salt Ministries hosted and trained with The Elijah Challenge in January 2009
Motorists and pedestrians witness backslidden youth leader healed at busy intersection
From Tom Briggs on January 16
“Today I was so aware of the new mantle of authority and power upon me as I went to the streets with banner and sandwich boards—the authority to preach and demonstrate the Gospel of our Lord Jesus. In addition, I made a greaseboard sandwich sign saying “FREE PRAYER for your HEALTH and PAINS.” On my favorite fishing corner (Hwy 18 and Auburn Way South) many pedestrians came to wait for the light change. I asked if they were in good health or not.
One man (Dave) came through the crosswalk and started to tear up, as He was grateful I was standing for righteousness and Jesus in public. But also his weak faith was almost dead, and he was afraid he was going to drop out and abandon his anemic hope/faith in Jesus. It turned out he was a former “youth leader” from a church, out on the streets homeless, and his left knee was in great pain.
I asked permission to lay hands on his head. I rebuked the pain in his knee, commanding it leave in Jesus’ Name. He said it was 60% better. I laid my fingers on the knee and commanded again. This time I asked him to do a deep knee bend. I coaxed him by holding his hand as he dipped lower, lower, lower, and came back up. He was confused. Mind you, this was done in full view of cars stacked up within 20 feet of us and at the adjacent intersections, people were watching this strange event. We were interrupted by another worse-off transient man. I eventually rebuked the alcohol demon and commanded it to come out after sharing the gospel. I gave him a tract and some cash—all in full view of waiting motorists. We all hugged, just to top it off!
In just ninety minutes, thousands of motorists read my Bible banners and signs, some of who witnessed New Testament ministry to the infirm and possessed, alms given to the poor, and 13-14 pedestrians got gospel tracts and exhortations to turn from sin and trust Jesus.”
Testimony from teammate Elizabeth Nebenfuhr on January 16
“I write to you this day with excitement and expectation. I received a letter about a friend named Lori who is the hospital with cancer which has spread to her brain and other areas of her body. She was only expected to live for a few days to a couple of weeks, but it now has been well over a month ago. Praise God! I have visited the Hospice Care Home where she now lives since she needs full-time care. With Lori I was not sure of her salvation, so I prayed and asked the Lord what I should do. I stopped by at the Hospice and sat with her for hours. Then I felt it was time to apply all that the Holy Spirit has taught me through the Word and also what was taught [at The Elijah Challenge Training]. Mind you, I had only had one night of teaching with The Elijah Challenge. I took the bull by the horns and… I shared the gospel with her, and she asked the Lord to be her Lord…
I then began to pray in the Holy Spirit [Jude 20] and asked God what He wanted to do, So I took authority and told those spirits they no longer have a place to dwell and they must leave. I could sense deliverance as she renounced involvement with anything ungodly in her life…
She opened her eyes and looked at me as I was leaning over her looking at her and said, “What was that?” I could see the peace that came over her as she radiated a peaceful smile. I said, “You have just been filled with the Spirit of the Lord.” It was amazing.
Now to expand on the letter that Lori’s sister sent to me, Lori is up and out of bed—not yet walking—but up in her wheelchair because her legs are still weak; she is going to Physical Therapy. She is more alert and she does not have the fear that she had before. She is able to sleep and no longer seems to be tormented by dreams and what the medical field call hallucinations. She is eating and also spending more time awake then asleep. She is doing crossword puzzles to keep her mind alert. PRAISE GOD! She also asked me about the light that was in the room while I was praying for her. She asked, “Where did that Light come from?” I told her it was Jesus. OH, HIS MARVELOUS LIGHT!
William, thank you so much for being obedient to the Lord’s call and coming up here to Brother Tom’s humble abode and teaching God’s army that all He has shown them, all with which He has equipped them—all with which He has filled them in order to do the ministry of the Lord to bring His Kingdom authority to earth—now being SENT FORTH, FOR SUCH A TIME SUCH AS THIS! Thank you for teaching the principles of “mountain-moving faith.” I cannot wait to send more testimonies of God’s faithful love.”
Tom and William were interviewed by Rich Keltner on Watchmen Radio in New York on Saturday evening, January 17. To listen to Tom’s further reports on the miraculous healings Open Air Seattle witnessed earlier that day as they ministered and shared the gospel with the homeless, please click on:
Then click on the “play” button.
Tom reported that during the ministry to the homeless, “a man dropped to his knees in tears and repentance calling on Jesus to save and deliver him from sin and bondages—he was reaped! He was ‘born from above’! Hallelujah! And this is the whole reason for open air preaching with signs and wonders following —sinners redeemed and sanctified, justified and ultimately glorified!”