Reports from Elijah Challenge Coordinator Subodh Jena Kumar
By Subodh Jena Kumar
February 25, 2015
In the town of Bhawanipatna (Orissa, India) there is a street called Ramnagarpada. A Hindu woman named Sital had come to Christ after experiencing a miraculous healing in her life in 2008. Sital’s testimony
In a neighboring house lived a young Hindu widow named Sadwi along with her son. Sister Sital shared with Sadwi her testimony about Jesus. Sadwi believed in Jesus Christ and wanted to know more. Among other things, Sital taught her how to exercise authority in Jesus’ name in circumstances involving demonic attack. It happens that in her area people are frightened of demons, especially at night.
Last week at midnight Sadwi saw a spirit approaching her. She shouted and commanded the demon to leave in Jesus’ name. The demon left. She didn’t know anything about the Bible or prayer, so she was astonished at the miracle she had witnessed. Praise the Lord. Now she wants to know more about Jesus!