January 2002
The Elijah Challenge in North America
The Lord worked phenomenally at the three services at St. John’s Downtown United Methodist where Pastors Rudy and Juanita lead a very alive congregation. Over two thousand people total attended the three meetings, and each time after I preached the gospel I asked the Lord to confirm it through miraculous healings. I asked believers to lay hands on those with infirmities to minister healing. Several people came forward in the three services to testify of being instantly healed. One sister had a painful problem with her leg affecting her back which was going to require surgery, but the Lord healed her. An elderly gentleman came to the meeting with difficulty walking because of arthritis. But after the Lord healed him, he was running like a youngster in the pew! A sister with a heart defect felt pain shooting through her shoulder and arm, but the pain disappeared. An artist whose livelihood was threatened because of chronic elbow pain testified that the pain was gone. A sister suffering from lupus stood up to tell everyone that her symptoms of weakness in her legs was complete gone! When I invited those who had not accepted Christ to receive him, hundreds responded in the three services.