October 29 – November 4
The Elijah Challenge in North America
Hosted by Dr. Fred Omoruyi and Bishop Delton Fernander
The event was called Glory Fest, and one of the speakers spoke about experiencing the glory of God and His visitation. When the Lord shows up in this way in a gathering of believers, the miraculous can occur and God’s people are blessed. A visitation is a sovereign act of God and cannot be planned or orchestrated by us to any extent. But what the Lord gave us to bring to the participants of Glory Fest was very different.
Healing the sick and proclaiming the kingdom of God to the lost is something that we are commanded to do. Their nature is by definition very different from a visitation from God. We can plan to go out to preach the gospel, and at that time we can heal the sick as taught and commanded by the Lord. Therefore the signs and wonders that accompany the preaching of the gospel can be planned and orchestrated by us. The brethren were glad to hear about this “other side” of the coin. Miracles can happen in both contexts. In the context of proclaiming the kingdom of God to the lost, we do not have to stand by helplessly and wait upon the Lord, we can take the initiative based on His command. The Lord is restoring balance to His people.
Luke 10:9 “Heal the sick, and tell them, ‘the kingdom of God is near you.'”
Mark 16:15 He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. 17 And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; …they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.” 20 Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it.
Miraculous visitations of God vs. accompanying miraculous signs
At the first session, the Lord’s anointing to teach was most evident. The brethren, most of whom are from the Caribbean, were hungry and very receptive to what the Lord had for them. During the demonstration at the end of the session, the Lord healed nearly everyone who came forward to healing as evidenced by the testimonies. The people were very encouraged by the teaching and by the miraculous healings the Lord performed through them. Our hosts Pastor Fred Omoruyi and his dear wife Joy were most appreciative and enthusiastic toward the teaching.
At the second session, the Lord’s power was again present. Every person with an infirmity who came forward for ministry testified of being healed as the believers laid hands on them. One gentleman—the cameraman—expressed surprise that his back pain was gone just like that; he had not expected it. A medical doctor from the Dominican Republic was healed of a backache that she had had for many years.
After the training was completed we held two evangelistic healing services at New Destiny Baptist Cathedral, the fastest-growing church in the Bahamas under the leadership of Bishop Delton Fernander.
At these two meetings, we proclaimed the gospel of Jesus Christ. Being basically church services, there were few if any unbelievers present at the meetings. Nevertheless we preached the gospel and healed the sick at the meetings as part of the equipping of the saints, providing patterns that they could follow on their own afterwards. In both meetings, the Lord performed miraculous healings through His trained servants to confirm that the gospel is true.
The most memorable testimony at the first evangelistic meeting came from a young woman visiting the church for the first time. She had had three lumps in her breast causing her pain and consternation. She was under the care of a doctor, and he was not encouraging. She was depressed and even thought of suicide. She came to the meeting. We began the ministry with healing-at-a-distance as Jesus did in Luke 7 with the centurion’s sick servant. She laid her hands on the lumps at that time. Afterwards during the individual laying on of hands she came forward to the front. Some trained sisters laid hands on her and rebuked the lumps and commanded them to go in Jesus’ name. By this time others had been healed and were testifying from the stage about what the Lord had done for them. Then at the very end, she came up to the platform. She recounted the story of her painful lumps and the dread she felt and the recurring thoughts of ending it all. Tears dripped from her eyes and she had difficulty facing the people. After the laying on of hands she had gone to the ladies’ room to examine herself. There she could find no more trace of the lumps; both breasts felt the same. And the pain was completely gone.
At the second evangelistic meeting following the proclaiming of the gospel of Jesus Christ, we asked the Lord to prove that Jesus Christ is the only way to the Father by performing miracles of healing. We had those with infirmities lay hands on themselves and together we exercised Christ’s authority by rebuking the infirmities and commanding them to be healed in Christ’s name. Five people immediately stood up and came up to the stage to testify of what the Lord had just done for them. One woman, the wife of an elder, gave a testimony similar to that of the young woman the evening before. She had suffered from pain due to lumps in her breast, and the pain was completely gone. One gentleman had been shot somewhere in his chest years ago, leaving him with various injuries and physical problems that his doctor said were incurable. During the time of healing all the pain, numbness, and disabilities caused by the gunshot disappeared. He testified the Lord had healed him.
Through the miraculous signs God demonstrated that Jesus Christ is the only way to Him. The people were challenged to repent for the forgiveness of their sins and to follow and obey Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. The believers were encouraged to repent of worldliness, materialism, lukewarmness, and the sin of pornography.
Comments received after Gloryfest 2007 in the Bahamas
“To say that your ministry was a tremedous blessing to us in the Caribbean may even be an understatement. The Island is better today because of the seed of God’s word that you and your wife planted. Many who were opportune to attend Gloryfest 2007 —especially your seminars sessions on how to heal the sick — have been so challenged that they are now stepping out to heal the sick. Many more thousands were blessed through the Telecast of your ministrations.”
“To you and your wife we say thanks a million for such a humble and giving spirit that you demonstrated throughout your stay in the Bahamas.”
Dr. Fred and Joy Omoruyi, Hosts of Gloryfest 2007
“Greetings, I am so happy to have met both you and your wife, it has been a life-changing experience.
My wife and I are already making plans to attend your Advanced Seminar in Houston in February 2008; if all goes well we will be there. Please send information on the advance registration so that we can finalize. Once again many thanks and we look forward to seeing you soon.”
Pastor Godfrey and Judith Huyler
Bethesda Community Church
Nassau, Bahamas
“Praise God! What a powerful teaching you have! …[My son] Joshua and I are both looking forward to seeing you again in Houston. I know that this is not by accident, because of all the speakers there, we were both drawn to you two the most.”
Pola Muzyka, MTD
Atlanta, Georgia
“On Monday 6th November, 2007 I went to pick up my son at his school. While speaking to his teacher, she told me that she has pain in her back and right hip. I ministered as you taught us in the Glory Fest Convention and she was healed from the pain in her hip instantly, but she said to me that she was still feeling some pain in her back.
Today the 7th November, 2007 she told me that last night was the best she has ever slept, she does not have any pain in any part of her body. She was dancing this evening and bending her body, she could not do this before. I told her that she has to testify on her healing. Thank you for imparting to us the word of God through the End Time Model of Evangelism.”
Eartha Francis
“As participants of The Gloryfest Conference and a students of IBTC it was such a profound encounter to experience your teachings on the Miraculous Healings of Jesus Christ. It was indeed life changing, refreshing and revelatory. Both, Andy and I have begun using your method of healing the sick. I can say that I was able to experience the power of God and the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
As a testimony the Lord led me to pray for an individual who had an addiction. Whilst ministering to the individual I felt the anointing/virtue leave my body when I commanded the spirit of addiction to leave. The individual reported that they felt the anointing strongly come upon them as I ministered to them. PRAISE THE LORD!
I also ministered what I learnt when my son became sick with a fever. I commanded the fever to leave his body. I noticed that his breathing was irregular. I again ministered to him. I decided to take him to the doctor and after the doctor checked him they said that they did not see that anything was wrong with him. PRAISE THE LORD! HE DESERVES ALL THE GLORY!
I believe in ministering in the market place and I thank God for your ministry. Thank you for encouraging us to take evangelism to another dimension and the Kingdom of God to the world.”
Andy & Bianca Lockhart