Peter was trained as he viewed the 10-part video “Hell’s Second Best Kept Secret”
November 16, 2010
Reports from Peter & Modern Jesus Army
“There was an African lady called Mercy who was diagnosed with stomach cancer over a year ago and her condition was getting worse and worse. About a month ago she came forward for prayer at one of our evangelistic meetings and I spoke over her, commanding the cancer to leave in the name of the Lord Jesus.
I had a real assurance in my spirit that the healing had taken place. (She was due to a test check-up at the end of October, but got postponed for early November). So I told her to cheer up and start singing praises from then on.
Last week she went back to the hospital for the test. Both blood test and scan proved that there is no sign of the cancer any longer, it completely disappeared.
As a result Mercy found new faith in Jesus and we baptised her two days ago. She clearly became a new creation and joined the Kingdom – and her healing undoubtedly played an important role to convince her about the power of God and that God does care for her personally.
I know that others also prayed for her healing and I am sure the faith in those prayers all contributed to the quick healing.”