For the first two of days of our meetings, 250 pastors and leaders from nearly 30 mostly illegal denominations—including Baptist, Campus Crusade for Christ, Christian & Missionary Alliance, Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Assembly of God, Pentecostal, and various local denominations—came together for The Elijah Challenge Basic Training. We have held the Training in many nations of the world, but never have we seen such a response. Because of the move of the Holy Spirit in the persecuted underground churches, miraculous healings have taken place. But lacking systematic Scripture-based teaching on this type of ministry, the pastors saw these things only sporadically.
When during the Basic Training it was laid out for them line-by-line and precept-by-precept from well over 200 references from Scripture, they were overjoyed. (For the complete Syllabus of the Training, please click here.) Eagerly they applied the teaching about healing to one another in the training sessions. Miraculous healings took place. One pastor came to the Training, his body weak because of a heart problem that had also resulted in severe loss of his hearing. After two other pastors ministered to him, he testified with great excitement before the delighted group that his heart pain was gone, his body felt well, and his hearing was restored! Like the disciples in the gospels, the pastors at the Basic Training had been taught to “proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.” (Luke 9:1,2)
First, our instructors teaches how Jesus and the early disciples ministered to the sick with a detailed study of their miracles in the gospels and Acts. A pattern in their ministry is discerned. For the complete Syllabus of the teaching, please click here.
Following the pattern unearthed from their study of the Scriptures, they demonstrate how the ministry of healing is performed in the name of Christ. They are laying their hands upon a pastor who was suffering from heart pain.
Afterwards they asked the pastor how his heart feels. The pastor testifies that the pain is gone. The Scripture is validated.
The other instructor, a sister, ministers healing in Christ’s name to a lady pastor who has suffered from a chronically hoarse voice for years.
Later in the meeting, the lady pastor testifies that her voice has returned to normal.
Then the instructor calls three pastors to minister to three others with vision problems according the Scriptural teaching.
One pastor testifies that his vision has immediately improved
This pastor came to the Training, his body weak because of a heart problem that had also resulted in severe loss of his hearing. After two other pastors ministered to him, he testified with great excitement before the delighted group that his heart pain was gone, his body felt well, and his hearing was restored.
This believer testifies of her healing after a pastor
laids hands on her in Christ’s name
Another testimony of healing at the Training after a believer laid hands on her according to the teaching from Scripture
The contingent of Baptist pastors at the Basic Training which was attended by nearly 30 different denominations and organizations
God has restored His miraculous healing power to His persecuted Church in this communist country.