The village of Saharanpur is in Uttar Pradesh


Reported by Joshua Gowda, TEC Training Centre Director in New Delhi

“The month of November Feeding Event was conducted at the village of Saharanpur in Uttar Pradesh. Before the Feeding Event, The Elijah Challenge Training was conducted for 18 Pastors and 64 believers on November 15 and 16. All the trained servants of God went around the village healing the sick and telling them about the kingdom of God. They invited the villagers to come to the Feeding Event on the evening of the 17th at 7 pm. As a result, approximately 485 people came to the Feeding Event and 428 of them gave their hearts to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Our local Pastor, Brother Rockwell, told me on phone that they have planted two new churches in that area and that Elijah Challenge-trained believers are helping him in the ministry. Praise the Lord for this great harvest.” 


Hindus gather to hear the gospel

428 Hindu villagers respond to the gospel and accept Christ as Simon Haqq preaches



The infirm are healed according to Luke 10:9

Mrs. Somya Davi was suffering from pain in her head due to high blood pressure. After an Elijah Challenge-trained believer ministered to her, the pain disappeared.

Five months ago Mr. Ranbir Singh suffered a broken hand in a motorbike accident. He was unable to use or move his right hand normally and could not even raise it. After one of our Elijah Challenge-trained believers ministered healing to him in the name of Jesus, he was able to raise his hand with all his fingers functioning normally.

The Elijah Challenge Training before the Feeding Event

The venue for the Basic Training

Elijah Challenge Training Centre Director Joshua Gowda teaches the disciples

Demonstration of healing the sick in Jesus’ name

These trained disciples were then sent from house to house in the village to heal the sick and to proclaim the kingdom of God. They invited the people to come to the Feeding Event, where 428 of the villagers would put their faith in Christ Jesus as their Savior.


Luke 10:9 “Heal the sick who are there and tell them, ‘The kingdom of God is near you.’”