On 17 April 2021, Sister Kabita Ghimire, one of our Elijah Challenge workers, received the below testimony from a woman who had been delivered and accepted Jesus. She had neck pain, dizziness, headache and her mind was not sound. Now she feels God’s peace in her heart. Praise God!


As a result of this deliverance and healing, Sister Kabita Ghimire has started the third Elijah Challenge house church (below) in Panchhkal, Kavre, Nepal.


On 8 April 2021, Elijah Challenge worker Yujan wrote:

“Glory to the Lord Jesus Christ to all dear ones…since around 9:30 last night, ‘Hira Kazi Shrestha’ (below) had been having problems in his life due to the bondage of evil. In the name of Jesus, the first commandment of healing and deliverance was spoken, and the second commandment of healing and deliverance was spoken. Glory be to God. Then the right hand was shaking, and in the same way God’s work was revealed, that is, healed in 15 minutes. Glory be to God. He has opened the door of his heart and he has accepted the Lord Jesus.”

Yujan (below) commanding the evil spirits to come out in Jesus’ Name.

After he was miraculously healed and set free from unclean spirits, Hira Kazi Shrestha (below) prays to accept Jesus in the Newari language – one of the many languages of Nepal.



A new house church started under Elijah Challenge worker Dhan Kumar Rai in Chabahil, Kathmandu


“This is the short report for the first house church inauguration service (below) on Saturday, 3 April 2021. We had The Elijah Challenge Training during 23-25 March 2021. Elijah Challenge worker Min B. Tamang started our first house church last Saturday (inauguration service) with 9 new people who have not yet been baptized. Three people were miraculously healed. One of them is a witch-doctor. Min B. Tamang’s mentor Pastor Pramod is standing at right in white t-shirt.


In the above video Elijah Challenge worker Sister Kavita Ghimire recites a poem she wrote

The words of the poem translated into English:

Streams, rivers and green forest are found in the Bible.
People need Elijah Challenge with healing and deliverance.
Everything is found here, healing, deliverance and freedom
My family and I will serve Him.
We move forth brining healing and deliverance.
Not only healing but we sow the seeds of the gospel.
We cross over hills and mountains and also streams and rivers.
Jesus goes with us going to heaven.
In Him, we have the crown of eternity.

खोलानाला हरियाली बनपाखा बाइबलमा नै पाइयो ।
एलियाको चुनौतिले चंगाइ र छुटकारा सबैलाई चाहियो ।
सबै कुरा पाइन्छ यहाँ चंगाई छुट्कारा स्वतन्त्रता
म र मेरो घरानाले उहाँकै सेवा गर्ने छौँ ।
चंगाई छुटकारा लिएर अघि बढ्नेछौँ ।
चंगाई मात्र होइन यहाँ सुसमाचारको विऊ पनि छर्नुछ ।
पहाड पर्वत मात्र होइन यहाँ खोलानाला तर्नुछ ।
येशुको साथ लिएर स्वर्ग सम्म पुग्नुछ ।
उहाँमा हामीले अनन्तको मुकुट पाउनु छ ।


Reports translated by Elijah Challenge Coordinator for Nepal, Tee Joo Tatt
April 2021