January 20, 2014
Bhawanipatna, Orissa, India
Report from Subodh Kumar Jena following the January 2-4 Elijah Challenge Training
Today I received this very encouraging report from a believer who attended our Elijah Challenge Training in Bhawanipatna.
“I am from a remote village near Ramnaguda, district of Rayagada, around 80 kms from the district headquarters. I was a Hindu a few years back. I went to the state of Rajasthan to work as a laborer. We were working near a church, and I accepted the Lord Jesus as my personal Saviour. I returned home from there and stayed with my family in a village, attending a nearby church service on Sunday.
My Pastor was supposed to attend the Elijah Challenge Training but he asked me to attend instead. I listened carefully at all the sessions and returned to home. I explained briefly to pastor regarding the seminar. Yesterday my neighbour’s son had swelling in the eye. When I saw him I remembered the teaching and thought to apply it.
I went to the boy, and even though I had some hesitation in my mind I still ministered to him. Twice I ministered but did not see any result. I continued for five more times (as I was taught) and saw that swelling had gone down instantly. The boy was healed. Praise God.
Pastor, would you please come to my village and teach this for our small congregation? I can also invite a few pastors and evangelists who are working in this area.”
I am really touched hearing this. I know there may be thousands of villages like this where trained believers can reach the Hindus with power and authority.